Illinois governor’s Hamas council

By Pamela Geller

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn last week invited Muslims with links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to join a Muslim American Advisory Council, which, according to a press release from the governor’s office, “will help ensure Muslim American participation in state government.”

Ten years after 9/11, the threat of jihad is … worse. Ten years after the bloodiest, most brutal attack ever on American soil, the threat is the same, the ideology is the same; only now we are told that we must be tolerant of this racist, genocidal ideology, lest we be accused of “Islamophobia.” And that tolerance extends even to opening the doors of the Illinois state government to a jihad terrorist group (Hamas) and a group that is dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.”

Gov. Quinn explained: “Illinois is a diverse state, which is one of our greatest strengths. There are more than 400,000 Muslims and 300 mosques within our borders, representing various racial and ethnic sects of Islam. I want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity for input in how we address issues such as education, public safety and jobs, because the strategies may need to differ based on the history, culture and needs of different communities.”

Among the Muslims Quinn appointed as members of his Muslim American Advisory Council is Safaa Zarzour, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). ISNA is Muslim Brotherhood front, having admitted ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. ISNA was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror-funding case. The Holy Land Foundation was once the largest Islamic charity in the United States and was shut down for funding the jihad terror group Hamas.

Also serving on Quinn’s Muslim American Advisory Council is Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Chicago chapter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, of course, was also named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial. CAIR has had several of its officials convicted of terror activity, and has opposed every anti-terror measure devised since 9/11. CAIR was formed from the Islamic Association for Palestine, another Muslim Brotherhood group with ties to Hamas.

Join Pamela Geller in her fight to battle jihadist initiatives in our local communities — read “Stop The Islamization Of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance”

Omar Ahmad, the cofounder and longtime board chairman of the nation’s leading “Muslim civil rights group,” CAIR, also once let the mask slip in a speech he gave to a Muslim audience in California in 1998. Ahmad said, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper expressed the same desire in a 1993 interview: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

For his part, Ahmed Rehab said Thursday that Americans need to “move on” from the 9/11 attacks.

Oh yes, America, get over it. Get over your war dead. Do not mourn, America; instead, respect the ideology that is working on “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.” And don’t fight back America; submit.

These were the best Muslims Quinn could find for his Muslim American Advisory Council? What about all the moderates we keep hearing about? Why would a Muslim council of Muslim Brotherhood-tied operatives be established to weigh in on education? In what capacity will they be driving the dialogue to impressionable young American minds? And worse yet, public safety. In what capacity would stealth jihadist forces serve the safety of the infidel American public?

What is the mission by objective of this Muslim Brotherhood Council to the governor?

I would think that Muslims in America would march through the streets of American towns and cities, denouncing jihad and demanding that violent passages commanding ethnic cleansing, oppression, supremacism, spreading Islam by the sword, Jew hatred, genocide, etc., be expunged from the Quran in order to begin to dismantle the homicidal creed that inspires daily attacks and mass slaughter throughout the world.

The American Muslim could have and should have led the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community) into the 21st century. Perhaps they know they don’t have a theological leg to stand on. Perhaps that’s why there are so few Zuhdi Jassers.

And so instead, the Muslim voices that are being heard in the Illinois state government, as well as in the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, etc., are those of the Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups such as CAIR and ISNA.

CAIR obviously studies the strategy of Adolf Hitler, who said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Ahmed Rehab said Thursday of the 9/11 attacks, “It was always a gang of criminals, called al-Qaida, who happened to be Muslim. …” He said this at the same time that we were hunting for American Muslims targeting America for an Islamic attack on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

The Muslim Brotherhood, a global organization dedicated to the establishment of Islamic political law in all the countries of the world, is working through its supposedly “moderate” front organizations such as ISNA and CAIR to try to intimidate Americans into being afraid to oppose jihad activity or even report suspicious behavior by Muslims. And these very organizations are now advising the governor of Illinois on education and public safety issues?

This is part of the cultural jihad: the mainstreaming of Islamic supremacist organizations. And it must stop. Gov. Quinn must dismantle his Muslim American Advisory Council, immediately, and apologize for giving such access to groups tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.