The lavender revolution stumbles

By WND Staff

As the Penn State University child sex-abuse scandal grows, the Wall Street Journal addressed the ethical implications, albeit in a somewhat backhanded way: “It’s also something of a relief that in a culture as libertine as ours at least some behavior – sexual exploitation of children – is still considered deviant” (Nov. 10, 2011, A-20).

Could it be that there is still an ethical absolute? Wouldn’t it be ironic to witness the demise of moral relativism at the hands of liberalism’s most cherished activity – homosexuality? Yes, Virginia, there is truth after all. It is always ethically wrong for a grown man to violate a 10-year-old boy.

The scandal centers on Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant football coach, whose alleged pedophilic acts involved boys (8 at present, but the count is rising) as young as 10. His sexual abuse of these boys is not fit family reading material, making it difficult to fully comprehend the seriousness of the case. Indeed, the subject of homosexual activity is likewise difficult to discuss in public. Neither practice provides table talk material. Both are deviant, degenerate and disgusting.

Homosexuality in America is now out of the closet, front and center (and has been for some time). Now homosexual man/boy activity (pederasty) is under the microscope, its normality, genetic implications and social acceptance being examined.

From what we are witnessing at Penn State and the firing of its president, Dr. Graham Spanier, and beloved head football coach, Joe Paterno, it appears that the public in general and the university trustees in particular are voting against man/boy activity – the same kind of activity being promoted in our society within NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

In other words, our libertine culture is in the process of making pederasty as acceptable as the lavender revolution itself.

The latest book from the foremost expert on how sexuality has been twisted in our day: “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America”

There are no doubt courses and campus groups at PSU that would like to make pederasty seem as wholesome as apple pie! We might begin by checking out PSU’s psychology and psychiatry departments’ courses as well as its sociology and anthropology departments’ offerings.

Judith Reisman, visiting professor of law at Liberty University School of Law, attended a pro-pedophilia event this past August in Baltimore called the “B4U-ACT” conference. Its purpose was to persuade the American Psychiatric Association to “redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of ‘Minor-Attracted Persons.'”

Involved in the conference were mental health professionals from Harvard and Johns Hopkins who would like to convince us that pedophilia is actually normal. Indeed, Dr. Fred Berlin of the Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorder Clinic was the keynote speaker.

Michael Brown, author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” wrote an article for entitled “Why Are We Surprised with the Push for ‘Pedophile Rights’?” in which he states, “Academic articles in scholarly journals have been presenting pedophilia in a sympathetic light for years, and, as Matthew Cullinan Hoffman noted, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released a report in 1998 ‘claiming that the “negative potential” of adult sex with children was “overstated” and that “the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from their child sexual abuse experiences.” It even claimed that large numbers of the victims reported that their experiences were “positive” and suggested that the phrase “child sex abuse” be replaced with “adult-child sex.” Others have coined the more disgusting term “intergenerational intimacy.”‘”

We can bet that Jerry Sandusky’s lawyers will have such scholarly material front and center when his case goes to trial, including claims such as the following: “There is no known method of treatment by which they [the pedophile] may be effectively and permanently altered, suppressed, or replaced. Punishment is useless. There is no satisfactory hypothesis, evolutionary or otherwise, as to why they exist in nature’s overall scheme of things. One must simply accept the fact that they do exist, and then, with optimum enlightenment, formulate a policy of what to do about it.”

The preceding quotation is from Johns Hopkins professor Dr. John Money, now deceased, which will reduce by one a defense witness for Sandusky! But there are many others available, including Dr. Richard Green, who Brown points out was “instrumental in removing homosexuality from the APA’s list of mental disorders in 1973, and is now fighting to remove pedophilia as well.”

According to Brown, the very same arguments that were used to make homosexuality acceptable are being used to make pedophilia acceptable. These include: a) insisting that such behavior is genetically determined and is not a choice and hence to suggest that it is wrong is intolerant and hateful; b) pedophilia is a sexual orientation, innate and immutable; c) pederasty is richly attested to in many different cultures throughout history; d) many of the illustrious homosexuals of the past were actually pedophiles; e) people who are against “intergenerational intimacy” have antiquated social standards and puritanical sexual phobias; f) this is all about love, equality and liberation!

But there is an important point to this story that seems to have evaded the talking heads, pundits and mainstream media.

It was not, however, overlooked in a student online publication the American Conservative Daily. In a Nov. 11, 2011 article, “The Trials of PSU,” Gene Lalor makes the following statement: “When the U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan weighed in to indicate he was ‘extremely angry’ over the PSU allegations, the same Duncan who wasn’t perturbed at all over inclusion of confessed homosexual child sex facilitator Kevin Jennings in the Obama administration, the fix was in: Bring down Penn State.”

And we must not forget that the president of the United States, Barack Obama, via Arne Duncan, appointed Kevin “queering elementary education” Jennings on May 19, 2009, as assistant deputy secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, praising him as being “uniquely qualified for his job.”

However, on Nov. 12, 2011, Obama announced in reference to the Penn State scandal that “our first priority is protecting our kids.”

Not only is there a scandal at Penn State, but there is a scandal in the White House and the secretary of education’s office as well. Only morally deficient individuals would allow Kevin Jennings within a million miles of children!

Jennings wrote the forward to William J. Letts’, IV and James T. Sears’ “Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling.” The book is about exposing elementary school children to the homosexual lifestyle and was endorsed by professor Peter McLaren, University of California-Los Angeles, who wrote, “This volume marks the beginning of the queering of critical pedagogy and is long overdue.”

The book contains chapters titled “Teaching Queerly: Some Elementary Propositions,” “Why Discuss Sexuality in Elementary School?” “It’s Okay to be Gay: Interrupting Straight Thinking in the English Classroom,” and “When Queer and Teacher Meet.” These are just a sampling.

The president of the United States finds nothing unacceptable in this kind of education, nor do his friends at the NEA. The NEA has established the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Caucus along with the NEA Drag Queen Caucus to queer elementary school children who certainly aren’t old enough to know they are being manipulated by professional adults who supposedly have their best interests in mind.

In 2003, the former president of the NEA, Bob Chase, gave a glowing endorsement of Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) (founded by Kevin Jennings) and its elementary training material. He said, “Schools cannot be neutral when dealing with issues of human dignity and human rights. I’m not talking about tolerance, I’m talking about acceptance.”

History lessons are even now being rewritten to acknowledge known homosexuals as heroes, not just for their achievements, but also for their lifestyle. Many of these new heroes are also on the NAMBLA list as practicing pedophiles.

According to NAMBLA, “From famous couples such as Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas, to cultural institutions such as that of ancient Greek pederasty, to cultural concepts such as China’s passion of the cut sleeve, to iconic figures such as Francis Bacon and Walt Whitman … man/boy love spans every dimension of history, both Western and non-Western.”

So the president of the United States and the secretary of education may decry the scandal at Penn State, but they themselves are as guilty as Jerry Sandusky! Sandusky may have violated a dozen or two or even hundreds of young boys, but the Obama/Duncan/Jennings trio will violate millions of innocent children for decades to come.

The president of Penn State was fired for allowing his Jerry Sandusky to get away with molesting the innocent; the president of the United States deserves the same treatment for allowing his Kevin Jennings and Department of Education to do the same to America’s innocent elementary school children!

David A. Noebel, recently retired, is past president of Summit Ministries.