Newt: Rhetorical Rembrandt of the GOP

By WND Staff

H.L. Mencken called his colleagues of the fourth estate “a gang of peck sniffs.” Some conservative commentators have become pundit sniffs, turning up their elitist noses at whoever the frontrunner for the Republican nomination happens to be. You’d think we didn’t have other pressing business – like saving the Republic from the mega-Marxist in the White House.

Now, it’s former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s turn for an colonoscopy.

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan, a CINO (conservative in name only), frets that Gingrich is “a trouble magnet, a starter of fights that need not be fought.” (It’s called having cojones, Peg.) She approvingly quotes former Bush ‘41 chief of staff John Sununu griping, “Listen to anyone who worked alongside Gingrich and you will hear that he’s inconsistent, untrustworthy, unprincipled.”

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