WASHINGTON – To Keith Olbermann, WND founder Joseph Farah is not just “the worst person in the world.”
He’s made that distinction numerous times on Olbermann’s old MSNBC show before Olbermann was fired.
Now Olbermann has found a new honorific for Farah – “the worstest person in the world.” How bad is “worstest” to Olbermann? Worse even than Fox News chief Roger Ailes.
And what makes Farah so bad?
He flew a banner asking “Where’s the real birth certificate?” over the Dallas Cowboys stadium prior to the game with the New York Giants last weekend. Olbermann thinks it was a mistake because it was a night game.
“I’m touched that Olbermann is so concerned we missed our target audience by arranging a flight prior to the game,” said Farah. “But not only did most of the 50,000 or so fans see the banner because they arrive early to the game for tail-gate parties and the best parking spots, but, thanks to the media reports like Olbermann’s and dozens of others, the banner was actually viewed by millions. Of course, the audience of Olbermann’s new show on Al Gore’s ‘Current’ network didn’t contribute much to that total. In fact, I’m pretty sure more people will view the segment right here.
And here are Olbermann’s comments:
Runners up to Farah on Olbermann’s honor roll included Ailes and Australian Sen. Stephen Conroy.