Ron vs. Mitt: Conviction vs. chameleon

By WND Staff

It is not possible for an educated person to be divided between support of Willard Romney and Dr. Ron Paul. I read recently that young Republicans are wavering between these two candidates. It tells me simply that they haven’t done their homework. I couldn’t imagine being split between Romney and Paul – I am a Michelle Bachmann supporter – but if education is the instability that will push young folks off the fence, I am willing to imagine.

Willard Romney has held opposing views, himself, on: abortion, gun control, homosexual marriage, troop levels, gay adoption, taxes, private insurance mandates, to name a few. In all those cases slick Willard stated his position emphatically, adopting this same well-spoken and fervent intensity that we see in the debates, supporting the exact, polar-opposite positions with what appears to be great conviction.

That is why skipping your homework gives America a zero.

Consider, by contrast, this quote about Dr. Ron Paul. It succinctly summarizes what he has been preaching in Iowa.

He is not only for the gold standard. He knows why he is for it, and he is familiar with …how inflation works and how inflationary credit expansions brings about booms and busts. … He believes in moral principles in his mind and heart, and he fights for them passionately … the vital importance of individual freedom, of the individual’s natural right to be free of assault and aggression, and … right to keep the property that he has earned on the free market, and not have it stolen from him by confiscatory taxes. … Ron Paul, in short, is that rare American, and still rarer politician, who deeply understands and battles for the principles of liberty. … 
Ron Paul understands … the government has … eroded the value of the dollar and of all our savings through inflation. … Inflation, as Ron Paul points out, is caused by the government’s continual creation of new money … its system of legalized counterfeiting. … The problem is that if the Fed has the power to counterfeit, it will inevitably use that power.

That’s Paul.

The quote is from 30 years ago.

And so, young Republicans have Romneycare Willard – who destroyed Catholic Charities’ adoption agency in Boston, forced magistrates, against their will and religion, to marry homosexuals in Massachusetts and who then campaigned against homosexual marriage – on one hand. And on the other hand you have Dr. Paul who, by every measure in the entire universe, believes and proclaims exactly the same things today as he did 40 years ago.

But, you will say, Ron Paul is a libertarian who believes in legalizing hookers, cocaine and heroin. And I will say yes, that is so; his convictions are different than mine. And so you will ask me whether a young conservative ought to support Mitt Romney instead of Ron Paul because Romney is against hookers, cocaine and heroin. And if you are really asking that, my answer is: What a sucker you are.

“Wow! Romney says all these really moral-sounding things! What a moral man he must be!” If that’s your mentality, there is no hope for America. Let’s just release the bio-warfare toxins right now and we can all have a farewell party. But before we go ahead with that, pause a moment.

Can you trust any position Mitt Romney has ever favored?

Show me one major policy, even one, in which his actions and his words have been in agreement across decades. Show me that same position in which he didn’t do a polar-opposite-reverse later. I defy you to do this. It cannot be done. The man didn’t have his backbone removed, he’s an invertebrate.

So, if you are thinking you should vote for Romney because he’s “moral,” consider first and foremost that “morality” is saying what you mean and meaning what you say. I do not believe anything Willard Romney says. No one does. His words are irrelevant.

So if you were in angst over Romney vs. Paul, there’s no question at all: vote for Paul. You’d know exactly what you are going to get, and the man obviously has convictions. You may not like all his convictions, but you know he’s not lying to you. You know that for eight years you would get a guy who would ruthlessly cut the budget, audit the Fed and who would fail to get Congress to vote for hookers, cocaine and heroin.

But the choice is not between Romney and Paul. If you want a candidate with convictions, a record of living them out and a moral conservative you agree with, that answer is easy.

Michele Bachmann.

Romneycare Willard is a true loser chameleon. Ron Paul is a true libertarian. Mrs. Bachmann is a true loyal Republican. What else do you really need to know?

If you like Ron Paul, but you are distressed over hookers, cocaine and heroin … choose a real heroine instead.

Go Bachmann.



Andrew Longman is a Christian and an applied scientist.