Perry on abortion: No exceptions

By WND Staff

Texas governor and GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry says he’s refined his opposition to abortion, and now cannot even come up with a justification for exceptions for rape.

The comments came this week as he took part in the first-ever Presidential Pro-Life Forum organized by PersonhoodUSA, which has been advocating for state constitutional amendments that simply would declare that a living human is a “person” under state law for all intents and purposes from the moment of conception.

Also participating here Sen. Rick Santorum. U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Perry was asked about his support for the Personhood USA Presidential Pledge, where candidates recognized the right to life for all – without exceptions.

He recalled a conversation he had with Personhood USA spokeswoman Rebecca Kiessling, whose birth mother was raped.

“We had a fairly lengthy and heartfelt conversation about how she was conceived in rape. Looking in her eyes, I couldn’t come up with an answer to defend the exceptions for rape and incest,” said Perry.

“Over the course of the last few weeks, the Christmas holiday, and reflecting on that – I would suggest that my pro-life position has been rather strong as the governor of Texas – but she made a statement to me that was really profound and pierced my heart. As I signed that document, I will suggest to you that all I can tell you is God was working on my heart.”

Tens of thousands of participants took part in the simulcast tele-town hall event, which was hosted by nationally syndicated radio host Steve Deace on his Salem Network program and 88 of Bott Radio Network’s radio stations across the country.

Bachmann said her intention is to pursue the repeal of Obamacare and build a federal personhood bill that would protect life.

“What we need to do to upend Roe vs. Wade and end the horrible holocaust of life in the United States is pass the personhood amendment. … We don’t have to wait just for the Supreme Court, we can be involved in this ourselves.”

She said, “The one thing we can’t get wrong in this election is the life issue. … Of all of the candidates in this race, I am the only one who will repeal Obamacare.”

Santorum said a personhood amendment would not be complicated.

“The act would be a very simple one that would recognize life from conception to natural death as what it is, a human life. We do not differentiate stages of development, or mental capacity, or capacity at the end of life, as being any less of a person,” he stated.

“Personhood is defined as an entity that is genetically human and alive – it is a person as contemplated under our Constitution. The legislation would be one that is simple, and brief, and to the point,” he said.

Gingrich said, “I think one way to solve this would be to write the bill so that it is not appealable.”

He also said he would restore Ronald Reagan’s policy banning government payments for abortion.

“I will also move to defund Planned Parenthood and transfer the money from Planned Parenthood to adoption services. I would also overhaul the U.S. Foreign Service to get rid of the people who are aggressively pro-abortion,” he said.

Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, said it’s important that voters know what candidates believe about the issue of life.

Partner organizations in the event include the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Coalition, Liberty Counsel, Bott Radio Network, Freedom Federation, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Champion the Vote, Oak Initiative, The Call, Georgia Right to Life, Rock for Life and Iowa Right to Life.