‘Harbinger’ a Christian book phenomenon

By WND Staff

NASHVILLE – The hottest new Christian book in the country is getting even hotter as the “Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future,” a the story of prophetic fulfillment in post-9/11 America hits the New York Times bestsellers list for the second week in release after rising to No. 1 among all Amazon new releases.

The publisher, Charisma House, has ordered 250,000 more copies to be printed after selling out the first week.

“This book could easily be the next ‘Late Great Planet Earth’ or ‘Left Behind,'” says Joseph Farah, founder of WND and WND Books and a veteran of Christian and secular book publishing. “Though it reads like a novel, it’s the amazingly true story of the striking parallels between the fulfillment of judgment on ancient Israel and what has happened in American since September 11, 2001.”

The book is sold out at major bookstores across the country while the reprints are completed, but it is available at the WND Superstore now.

In addition, Farah has been working on a documentary, “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” about the book’s revelations for release next month.

It is written by rabbinical scholar Jonathan Cahn and takes readers on a timeline journey back to the words written more than 3,000 years ago by the prophet Isaiah. The key verse around which the book revolves is Isaiah 9:10 and the premise around which Cahn has extended exhaustive biblical research.

With stunning precision, the author unfolds an accurately precise and chilling line of continuance between nine specific “harbingers” – prophetic omens of warning – that were given to ancient Israel which also align with recent cataclysmic events in modern day America.

The book poses some thought provoking scenarios.

They include:

THE STONE OF JUDGMENT that was placed on Ground Zero by American leaders and the ancient drama they re-enacted.

THE ANCIENT MYSTERY THAT AFFECTED your savings, your bank account, your financial future, and the American and global economy

THE SIGN OF THE SYCAMORE and the prophetic foreshadow it contains concerning the future of America as a superpower

THE MYSTERY OF THE EREZ TREE that was lowered at the corner of Ground Zero in fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy

THE DAY A VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE UTTERED the ancient proclamation of judgment… on America

THE MYSTERY OF THE THREE WITNESSES and the prophetic message each one of them carried regarding the future of America

AMERICA’S MYSTERY GROUND and the amazing prophetic message it contains for this hour each took place on the exact same day appointed in the biblical calendar to bring judgment on a nation’s financial realm.

Order the “Harbinger” today from the WND Superstore and get it in days.

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