My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:
For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?
– Proverbs 24:21-22
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
– Isaiah 5:20
Is Barack Obama going to win re-election?
If I answer that question through my own worldly calculations, I would have to say it is a very real possibility.
Recent polls show him with approval ratings near 50 percent, which is amazing given the economic destruction he has wrought on the country.
Even more startling to me are the polls showing 20 percent of Republican voters leaning toward casting votes for Obama.
It is as if Americans are losing their ability to discern truth from fiction, light from dark, good from evil and sweet from bitter.
From a spiritual perspective, it is true that God gives man the desires of his heart. If you choose the ways of death, God will give you death. If you choose the ways of life, God will give you life.
Since Americans don’t seem to be experiencing the kind of spiritual or intellectual enlightenment I expected from their experience from Obama, it does seem entirely possible that we will get just what we deserve in 2012 – another four years of “The Obama Nation,” as Jerome Corsi so aptly named it in 2008.
But another side of me thinks not.
The two aforementioned Bible verses have been resonating in my soul recently.
Is there an application for them this year in America?
I’m not sure. But I suspect so.
The man who promised “change” indeed gave America calamity and ruin. Will enough Americans make the connection this year? I pray so.
If we take the Bible seriously, as I do, we know there is a judgment on those who call evil good and good evil. The only question is when.
There have been many people in the history of the world who called evil good and good evil. None of them lasted very long. America has had presidents before who called good evil and evil good, but none, I believe, with the audacity of Barack Obama.
I think it’s very important that those Americans who recognize the truth of what I am saying today work hard to defeat Obama – and to replace him with the most godly candidate we can find.
But even more critical than the political work is the spiritual work necessary to saving America from going off the cliff politically and spiritually.
Are you praying for this country right now?
Are you praying that eyes are opened to what’s going on around us?
Are you asking God to give us deliverance?
Are you praying that God moves His spirit and provides America with revival?
Prayer works. It has real power. It works in times when things seem most hopeless. I believe God is waiting for people like you to get on their knees and seek Him and His will.
I am convinced He will move mountains for us if we sincerely ask Him to do so. I am convinced He will topple kingdoms and lift up inspired new leaders if we sincerely ask Him to do so. I am convinced He will stir the hearts of our countrymen toward repentance and good works if we sincerely ask Him to do so.
So don’t feel helpless, as I sometimes do as I look in astonishment at deteriorating moral conditions in America today. Feel empowered. Anticipate a great move of God – and ask Him for it.