Andrew Breitbart still lives. That heroic and fearless Internet guru who collapsed recently is perhaps even bigger in death than he was in life. During his time on earth and now from his grave, Breitbart was and is not afraid to report on issues involving Barack Hussein Obama’s association with black supremacists and fraudsters and racial politics in general.
I got to know Andrew about a year and a half ago when we met to discuss the burgeoning, but thus far “under the radar” African-American agricultural loan scandal, which he was one of the first to have reported. Spurred by Andrew’s new revelations about the scandal, in an editorial earlier this year, the Washington Times, described it this way:
“Race hustlers are shaking down taxpayers for payoffs, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is falling for the scam. The controversy involves discrimination claims against the USDA for allegedly denying loans because of race. A federal judge approved payments of $50,000 or more based on low levels of proof. This encouraged a mad scramble for cash based on false claims.
“The ‘Pigford Settlement,’ an agreement that came out of the original 1997 lawsuit by Timothy Pigford and 400 southern black farmers, resulted from some apparently legitimate instances of discrimination. However, plaintiffs’ lawyers got involved, and the number of supposedly aggrieved farmers grew exponentially. Eventually, more than 94,000 claims were filed even though the U.S. Census Bureau never counted more than 33,000 black farmers in America during the years in question.
“In 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama began working to pass legislation providing even more money for a whole new class of claimants via ‘Pigford II.’ This push ignored fraud in and several convictions over the original settlement, but Mr. Obama was advised his legislation could help him in a Democratic presidential primary fight against then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. As president, Mr. Obama rammed this new, $4.6 billion boondoggle through Congress during last year’s post election, lame-duck session.” See “Editorial: USDA’s Pigford Fraud – Obama Initiative Ignores Corruption to Redistribute Wealth.” [Washington Times, Feb. 2, 2011]
In essence, the Pigford scandal – appropriately named for its pork-laden largess on behalf of alleged black farmers – constitutes reparations for over a century of alleged white discrimination. The court settlement – rubber stamped by a liberal Democratic federal judge in the predominantly black District of Columbia, Paul Friedman, who paid little attention to its proclivity to create “open season” for fraudulent claims – has been misused as a back door way to get “whitey” to pay reparations to blacks without regard to whether or not each individual black claimant indeed has a claim to the settlement money. Even worse, this scam of the American taxpayer – so cash-strapped these days with the continuing deep recession – has soldiered on without any real scrutiny by Congress, save just a few lawmakers like Michele Bachmann and Stephen King, because the establishment Republican leadership is afraid to touch on issues that involve African-Americans and race, particularly during an election cycle. Ironically, however, the Obama administration’s continuing support of the Pigford settlements amounts to little more than solidifying and buying black votes to re-elect the president and his leftist, socialist minions to office in 2012 – at a time when many black voters are dissatisfied with the Democrats’ efforts to give them the bigger “piece of the pie” they were promised during the prior 2008 election cycle.
But the Pigford fraud cannot just be explained as a cold and calculated effort by Obama and his comrades to buy votes. Recent revelations by Breibart’s still vibrant websites manned by his gifted surviving partners and staff have disclosed videos linking Obama to black supremacists and anti-Semites like former and recently deceased Harvard law professor Derrick Bell. Coupled with the president’s past association with the likes of radical anti-white and anti-Semitic Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrahkan, among many other bigoted black “leaders,” this more than explains Obama’s penchant to pay reparations under fraudulent pretenses. The old proverb that “you are who you associate with” applies.
Bell’s racial view of whites and Jews in particular can be boiled down to two of his quotes. As WND reported recently, Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro commented, “This is a man so extreme that … he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.” Adopting a statement from an older black lady who lived in the South and allegedly suffered discrimination, Bell’s motto became, “I lives to harass white folks.”
WND has also reported on Bell’s multiple visits to the Obama White House, once (and perhaps not coincidentally) on the day the president was to give his 2010 State of the Union address.
Months ago I wrote a column about Obama entitled “A president of ‘His People,’ not ‘We the People.'” This characterization has certainly been borne out even more with the Bell revelations and the president’s penchant to further the Pigford fraud.
The Breitbart videos linking Derrick Bell to Obama, showing the president as a Harvard law student leader asking his black compatriots to open their hearts and minds to this racist and anti-Semite, and then hugging Bell, more than unmasks who Obama really is. Whether it is Pigford black reparations or his disdain if not latent hatred for the Jewish state of Israel and his endorsement of the Ground Zero mosque – or a host of other similar outrages toward whites, Jews and Christians – this president certainly does not represent “We the People” but instead “his own people.”
That is why we must use all legal means to remove Obama and his racist, anti-Semitic comrades from access to the White House, and we must do so in short order before the country devolves further into a racial and religious civil war, and our nation and Israel are destroyed, by virtue of the president’s actions.