There’s an old saying, sometimes attributed to Newt Gingrich, that “They can lie louder, but we can tell the truth longer.” I’d like to believe that, but after years of watching the Lying Left in action, I’m not so sure about it.
Based on how they’ve ramped up their game since the Obamaviks arrived in Washington in 2009, I’m convinced that the Lying Left possesses the audacity, shamelessness and relentlessness required to tell the most outrageous and vile lies every bit as long as liberty lovers can tell the truth.
Ho Chi Minh once said that Americans were “short of breath.” By that he meant they did not have the will to go the distance and defeat North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. If he had had more knowledge of American politics, he might have revised his statement to say that it is pseudo-conservative Americans who are short of breath.
The Lying Left has been blessed with an army of bona fide marathon liars and is well aware that most professed conservatives have neither the strength nor the character to match their outrageous lies with the truth indefinitely.
The worst-kept secret in Washington is that Republicans are easily intimidated by the Lying Left. At the first sight of blood, mushy RINOs fold under such euphemisms as “compromise,” “bipartisanship” and “Americans want us to work together.”
The uncouth among us might be inclined to refer to such euphemisms as crap. But since such language is beneath me, I prefer to say that conservative truths have a tendency to morph into lies over time. Compromise is a lie. Bipartisanship is a lie. The desire for Democrats and Republicans to work together is a lie. What these euphemisms really mean is more government control, more regulation, higher taxes and less liberty.
That’s why the leading Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, has no intention of trying to tell the truth longer than the Lying Left is prepared to lie. The latest example of this is his amazing statement that “we’re in a recovery mode, finally.”
Really? America is $15 trillion in debt (on the way to $25 trillion-plus in the next 10 years), has $50-$100 trillion in unfunded entitlements, is suffering a real unemployment rate (according to Gallup) of 10.3 percent, and 46 million people are on food stamps – and we’re in a recovery mode? Democrats must be thinking, “With opponents like Romney, who needs supporters?”
The endurance of the Lying Left is a testament to the efficacy of one of Saul Alinsky’s most cherished community-organizing strategies: Isolate and target your enemies, then overwhelm them with lies. If you’re caught with your pants on fire, not a problem. Just put out the blaze quickly and double down on your lies.
The biggest lie of all, of course, is Obamacare – this week’s hot topic among Beltwayans. The media are in a frenzy trying to smooth over the question of how BHO could have been so “inaccurate” back when he was trying to sell his Obamonstrosity to the giddy American public. Now, the whole unconstitutional mess is rapidly becoming a buffet of lies.
For starters, the $1 trillion cost is a lie. Though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now projects the cost of Obamacare to be roughly double that amount, the truth is that, if it is not overturned or repealed, it will end up costing many multiplies of the original “estimate.”
Then there were the endless times that the Duplicitous Despot assured us that anyone who wanted to keep his doctor or his current health insurance would be able to do so. That, too, turned out to be a lie. Various estimates are that anywhere from 14 to 20 million workers are going to lose their current health care as a result of Obamacare.
The Lying Left, however, points out that most of these workers will qualify for Obamacare benefits, so they will simply be shifted into government-run health care. But that’s the whole point! It was clear from the outset that the purpose of Obama’s signature piece of socialist legislation was to force everyone into the government-run health-care system and push insurance companies out of business.
The Lying Left is also emphasizing that 30 million previously uninsured people will now be covered. Isn’t that great? The official name for this achievement is redistribution of wealth.
Donald Berwick, Obama’s handpicked choice for the position of administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, didn’t leave any doubt about this when he said, in a 2008 speech, “Any health-care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must – must – redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.”
Government-created rights … food stamps … unemployment benefits … Social Security … Medicare … card check … global warming … green energy … cap-and-trade … artificially low interest rates … fiat currency … lies, lies and more lies.
The founder of the Lying Left, Vladimir Lenin, undoubtedly would have scolded Berwick for his slip of the tongue if he were alive today. Lenin made the rules of the game clear when he famously said, “To tell the truth is a petty bourgeois habit, whereas for us to lie is justified by our objectives.”
And he would have chuckled at today’s Republicans, who don’t have strong enough convictions to challenge the Lying Left. It would please him greatly to see that there are still plenty of useful idiots around who can be manipulated into helping collectivists achieve their goals.
All of which raises the question: How do we go about putting a presidential candidate in place who has the courage to match the Lying Left, lie for lie, with the truth – and then some?
If you know the answer to this question, please do not hesitate to step forward and speak your piece, because the way things look right now, conservatives are once again about to be sold out.