If Arpaio’s right, where’s ‘The REAL Birth Certificate’?

By WND Staff

A billboard campaign that was launched shortly after Barack Obama occupied the Oval Office brought the question about his eligibility to millions, and now that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation has found probable cause that the document released by the White House is a fake, the question, “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” suddenly takes on new meaning.

The newest billboard in the campaign launched in 2008 by WND Founder and CEO Joseph Farah is in Albany, N.Y.

It can be found on Interstate 90 facing east, just a quarter-mile west of 787.

The newest details on the birth certificate image that Obama released amid much fanfare and a White House news conference last year continue to unfold. Arpaio set up a special Cold Case Posse and assigned its professional investigators to review the Obama evidence.

Lead investigator Mike Zullo, who told WND he started out with the intention of affirming Obama’s document and clearing the president of suspicion, said the evidence simply doesn’t support that goal.

Would you like to see these billboards all over the U.S.? Then support WND’s national billboard truth campaign.

He said that there is probable cause that there was forgery in the preparation of Obama’s birth certificate image released by the White House and probable cause that there was fraud in its presentation to America as a genuine document.

Further, there are suspicions that Obama’s Selective Service registration form also was “created” fraudulently, which Obama critics explain is a major issue, as a man cannot be president after having failed to properly register with the Selective Service system.

Original versions of the sign – which millions of travelers have seen alongside roads in dozens of states – asked “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” The word “REAL” was added after the White House released the image that Arpaio’s investigation has determined is unreliable.

“There are so many questions about the document Barack Obama released,” Farah has explained. “They run the gamut from layering found in what he claims is his long-form birth certificate to the fact that it doesn’t reflect an adoption by his stepfather that Obama himself asserts actually took place.”

Some critics contend he was not born in the United States, and thus would not be a “natural born citizen” as the Constitution requires of presidents. They allege that the document Obama released last year is a fabrication.

Others contend that the Founders would have understood a “natural born citizen” to be the offspring of two citizens of the nation, and since Obama’s father was a visiting student from Kenya, he wouldn’t qualify under any circumstances.

Dozens of lawsuits over the issue have been rejected by judges. A new round of cases now is challenging Obama’s name on the 2012 presidential election ballot for failing to submit to state requirements to document his eligibility.

And Arpaio’s investigation is continuing to expand.

After the early billboards had caught the nation’s attention, half or more of the respondents in several polls said they no longer believed Obama’s story about his eligibility, and just about that many wanted Congress to investigate.

Freshly updated! Find out what Obama’s story truly is, in “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” by Jerome Corsi. Or join in the billboard campaign that seeks the answer to “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?”

Farah explains that there are reasonable questions that need to be answered.

“We’re talking about dozens and dozens of problems with a document no one else in the media or the Washington political establishment dares to question,” he said.

“That’s why this campaign, going over the heads of the media, is so vitally necessary. It worked once before. It will work again,” he said.

Another recent billboard went up in Anniston, Ala., at 5500 McClellan Boulevard near the TSC Tractor Supply.

The message also recently was posted near Nashville:

Evidence regarding Obama’s eligibility was introduced in a court hearing for the first time earlier this year in Georgia, but an administrative law judge dismissed the evidence and ruled in favor of Obama, who refused to participate in the hearing or present evidence.

The ruling is being appealed.

The nationwide campaign also has included a banner with the same question in the skies over Texas for National Football League fans heading into a game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants:


It was not the first time the question surrounding Obama’s constitutional eligibility for office had hit the friendly skies.

At the September CNN-Tea Party GOP debate in Tampa, Fla., the question was displayed on a flying billboard.

A plane soared overhead trailing a banner demanding, “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?”

Aerial banner over Tampa

A U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1875 appears to support the argument that a “natural born citizen” is the offspring of two citizen parents.

The image that Obama released:

Freshly updated! Find out what Obama’s story truly is, in “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” by Jerome Corsi. Or join in the billboard campaign that seeks the answer to “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?”

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