There is a war on science taking place in this country, rooted in political ideology and activism and promoted by those who have supplanted true science with theories that are little more than (as one pundit accurately put it) fairytales for adults.
I am referring, of course, to the left-wing war on science which is actually taking place, as opposed to the “right-wing war on science” which has been created from whole cloth by liberal elites.
There is the leftist pseudo-science of evolution and a universe which was the product of a massive unsupervised explosion – yet, ironically it would seem, somehow produced a whole world filled with beauty, order and complexity. When was the last time any explosion, even a controlled one, did that?
For the longest time, they told us there never was a creation event as described in Genesis 1:1, because the universe always existed. Furthermore, they insisted that the universe was the result of this unguided explosion and other random events, which occurred entirely by chance. Then it was conclusively proven that the universe did have a beginning and that there are at least dozens of equations governing the universe which, if any single one of them were altered in the slightest, would make Earth uninhabitable.
So it turned out that the opening declaration of Genesis, “In the beginning …” was an accurate scientific statement after all. Not only that, but the characteristics of our intelligently designed universe revealed the awesome handiwork of an infinite mind (as opposed to the complete chaos we should find in the aftermath of random events arising by pure chance). That means the second part of this verse is true as well: “God created the heavens and the earth.”
As far as evolution is concerned, the fossil record has been a bust, the transitional fossils Darwin’s theory demanded have never been found and the “simple cell” Darwin described – before man had the ability to actually look inside the cell – turned out to be complex beyond anything he could have ever comprehended or imagined.
These are just a few of the infallible proofs that comprise the veritable mountain of evidence that contradicts Darwinian evolution across the board. Yet, despite all of it, liberals continue to cling to their godless theories, as if, for dear life, lest they allow – as one Darwinist put it – “a Divine foot in the door.” Can’t have that!
Indeed, these frivolous theories undergird all of their other pseudo-scientific pronouncements and humanistic mumbo jumbo on subjects ranging from theology to social issues to politics to economics and everything else. Thus, when the late Christopher Hitchens, a lifelong leftist, was asked which of his many books was the most important of his works, he cited the anti-theist manifesto “God Is Not Great.” He said it was the basis of all his other beliefs and the foundation for all his life’s work.
Then there is the leftist pseudo-science of abortion. Back in the 1970s, in the debate leading up to the Roe v. Wade decision and in its aftermath, pro-abortion activists argued that an unborn baby was nothing more than a “fetus.” The word fetus is Latin for baby, so why were they suddenly using a Latin term in place of a perfectly understandable English word? The answer, as it always is with liberals, is to obscure the truth and create a false narrative. Thus, we were told that the fetus was not a baby and was not even human, that it was a blob of tissue and extracting it (terminating the life of the child) was no more serious than having one’s tonsils removed.
Today, we know that every abortion stops a beating heart. And thanks to modern technology like ultrasound and 4D images from the womb, which show unborn babies doing the kind of things that fully born babies do (laughing, crying, sucking their thumbs), we also know that these babies are fully and in every way human. They are not “blobs,” nor are they “tumors,” as the pre-born Tim Tebow was called by a medical practitioner who recommended that he be aborted.
Then there is the leftist pseudo-science of embryonic stem cell research. In their never-ending mission to destroy human life, liberals have demanded the destruction of human embryos for research purposes, predicting that this research would lead to cures for myriad diseases. To this day, they continue to willfully distort the truth by lumping all questions surrounding the topic under the singular heading of “stem cell research,” when they know quite well that there are two separate issues at stake here. The first is adult stem cell research, which is fully supported by pro-life advocates and other conservatives because it does not require the destruction of life and has been shown to have significant medical benefits, and the other is embryonic stem cell research, which the controversy is all about since it does destroy life and has shown zero potential for medical use.
Then there is the leftist pseudo-science of global warming, particularly as promoted by Al Gore in his acclaimed, Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Of course, since that film was released, all of its wild-eyed claims have been thoroughly refuted, from the polar bear crisis to the so-called “hockey stick.” Moreover, major scandals like Climategate and Glaciergate have exposed the environmentalist movement as basing its “science” on pure propaganda and the blacklisting of scientists who dare speak or write the truth on this issue.
Now we are being confronted with the leftist pseudo-science of birth control and green energy.
President Obama has decreed that, based solely upon a political ruling by Kathleen Sebelius, his secretary of Health and Human Services, pregnancy will be treated as a disease from this point forward and women will be provided with free contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs – and we’re all going to pay for it under Obamacare, regardless of any religious or other objections we may have – and in spite of the Constitution, one might add.
As Charles Krauthammer, who has a background in medicine, points out in a recent column, “categorizing pregnancy as a disease equivalent is a value decision, disguised as scientific. If contraception is prevention, what are fertility clinics? Disease inducers? And if contraception is prevention because it lessens morbidity and saves money, by that logic, mass sterilization would be the greatest boon to public health since the pasteurization of milk.”
On green energy, Obama is trying to force Americans into a market that doesn’t exist. He tells us that oil is the “fuel of the past” and Americans will be able to run their vehicles with algae.
Based on what? The stunning success of Solyndra, the Chevy Volt and the rest of his green-energy agenda thus far?
When he came into office, Obama and his appointed officials said gas prices should be driven up to European levels of $8 or $9 a gallon (something liberals have openly favored for many years), that overall energy prices would “necessarily skyrocket” under his program and that he would bankrupt the coal industry. Since then, he has stopped or slowed drilling and production wherever it has been possible for him to do so, including the rejection of the Keystone pipeline. He can only claim oil exploration has risen under his watch due to permits granted by President Bush or thanks to private enterprise free from government intrusion.
Obama mocks those who promote drilling – to which Victor Davis Hanson responds: “New oil development will create thousands of jobs, worry speculators that America will soon release lots of oil on the world market and provide a window to produce alternative energies without slapdash, Solyndra-like boondoggles. Drilling is a win-win choice – and so known to everyone except Obama and his shrinking number of reactionary advisers who prefer green faith to hard science.”
All too true. Yet, at the same time, Obama claims to bear no responsibility whatsoever for escalating gas prices. His only solution is that Americans get tune-ups and put air in their tires more often. What a joke!
So the next time you hear about a war on science, know that there is one taking place. And it’s the left waging it, led for the time being by President Obama.