‘Warming’ skeptics similar to Holocaust deniers?

By Around the Web

(ASSOCIATED PRESS) Micha Tomkiewicz, a professor at Brooklyn College determined not to “let the deniers win again,” equated opponents of global warming policies with supporters wrote on Earth Day 2012.  “But what about climate change deniers? Can we really compare the two, the Holocaust and climate change?”

“We are now painfully aware that the Holocaust deniers were dead wrong and that there was a planned systematic genocide,” Tomkiewicz, author of Climate Change: The End of Now, wrote on Earth Day 2012.  “But what about climate change deniers? Can we really compare the two, the Holocaust and climate change?”

Answer: Yes, he argues. “Despite the fact that Hitler published the first volume of his manifesto, Mein Kampf, in 1925, where he laid out his philosophy, he was, nevertheless, democratically elected as German Chancellor in 1933,” Tomkiewicz explained. “Few people believed in 1933 that he would seriously try to accomplish what he preached or anticipated the consequences that resulted from his actions.”

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