On the dusty streets of Tombstone, Ariz., on a weekend the city devotes to legendary western lawman Wyatt Earp, a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher told Americans it’s time to put their faith in another man who wears the star, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The U.K.’s Lord Christopher Monckton, known internationally for his climate-change skepticism, is calling on those still skeptical about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president to put their money where their mouth is and back Arpaio’s ongoing Cold Case Posse investigation into the current occupant of the Oval Office.
“My particular purpose in coming to Tombstone today is to ask you … to contribute as generously as you can to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse,” Monckton told Tom Ballantyne, author of “Oh Really, O’Reilly!” and cameraman Gabe Zolna. “They need help to pay for further investigations. They don’t want to charge this one to taxpayers. The Cold Case Posse is funded entirely by people like you who would like to reach the truth on this question and are willing to help the sheriff.”
Only three months ago, Lord Monckton had never really looked into the issue of Obama’s eligibility and had never even heard of Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But then he watched Arpaio’s press conference announcing the Cold Case Posse’s investigation had found probable cause to believe the White House presented forged documents as proof of Obama’s birthplace and citizenship.
And then he met Arpaio in person.
Now Monckton believes the Arizona sheriff may be the best shot Americans have of rounding up the truth about Obama.
“This is not a man to be dismissed lightly,” Monckton said of Arpaio, “and when I met him, I found him to be very thoughtful, very cautious, very meticulous, very careful and above all, very non-political.”
Monckton explained, “Many people of a certain political faction will try to make out that this is a purely political investigation or a [racist] investigation, and there is nobody less [racist] than this sheriff that could possibly be found.”
“The sheriff clearly has done a good job,” he continued. “There were clearly material things wrong with the document that appeared on the White House website.”
Monckton told Ballantyne he even went so far as to have an expert forge a phony “Christopher W. Monckton” Hawaiian birth certificate to match the “Barack Obama” document the White House released on April 27 last year – just to see that it could be done.
Ballantyne summarized for the British former newspaper editor: “Once you viewed the evidence, once you met sheriff Arpaio, met Mike Zullo, who is Sheriff Arpaio’s lead investigator, you were fairly convinced or at least satisfied that there was something here that was worth, in fact, investigating.”
“That’s right,” Monckton said.
Ballantyne and Zolna’s interview of Monckton can be seen below:
[jwplayer joVLRy1a]
Monckton’s appeal to back Arpaio’s continuing investigation can also be seen below.
[jwplayer tJbrywxy]
Monckton noted that private contributions to Arpaio’s investigation can be made through the website for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse, www.mcsoccp.org.
Read the preliminary findings of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation.