The new eco-scare: We’re all gonna die!

By Brian Sussman

The U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development is wrapping up in Rio de Janeiro, and we’re all gonna die. That’s the claim made by the eco-tyrannists at this years’ annual international environmental confab. Just the mere presence of so many human beings, they claim, is enough to send the entire world into a complete species meltdown, much like the cataclysmic event that killed off the dinosaurs millions of years ago.

This year’s gathering of representatives from virtually every nation (and environmental organization) on the planet is meant to further the goals presented at the first Rio “Earth Summit” in 1992, via a detailed plan known as Agenda 21 – the global political agenda for the 21st century. The 1992 conference was unique in that it made global warming a household term, introduced the planet to Al Gore and presented the details of a term conjured up by U.N. masterminds nearly 10 years earlier: “sustainable development.”

In short, sustainable development insists that the human species is certainly no more significant than any other species on the planet, and in fact should be discriminated against because, left unchecked, it will do great harm or even destroy all other species. Sustainable development is described by its architect, Maurice Strong, founder of the U.N. Environmental Program, as akin to “putting our planet, Earth Incorporated, if you will, on a sound business basis.”

That “business plan” sees liberty-loving humans as carriers of a plague. It’s prescribed cure is liberty-sapping, heavy-handed regulations and laws designed to control human behavior.

As for Agenda 21, as I write in “Eco-Tyranny,” it’s sustainable development’s version of a PowerPoint presentation. The Agenda begins with a preamble that speaks “the fulfillment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can – in a global partnership for sustainable development.”

It should be no surprise that Agenda 21 deems universal health care a “right.” It also redefines wealth, insisting on “the need for new concepts of wealth and prosperity.” The Agenda also encourages government-sponsored societal brainwashing, stating, “Achieving the goals of environmental quality and sustainable development will require … changes in consumption patterns.” Indeed, “Governments themselves [can] also play a role in [determining] consumption … and can have a considerable influence on both corporate decisions and public perceptions.”

Of course, Agenda 21 also heralds the abolition of private property rights, something Maurice Strong began pushing via the U.N. in 1976 at the Conference on Human Settlements, aka “Habitat I.” At the event Strong proclaimed:

  • “Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulating wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.”
  • “Public ownership of land is justified in favor of the common good, rather than to protect the interest of the already privileged.”
  • “Zoning and land-use planning [are to be used] as a basic instrument of land policy in general and of control of land-use changes in particular.”
  • “Fiscal controls [are to be employed], e.g. property taxes, tax penalties and tax incentives [in order to eradicate private lands].

As the Agenda states, governments shall “formulate appropriate land-use policies and introduce planning regulations specially aimed at the protection of eco-sensitive zones against physical disruption by construction and construction-related activities.”

This plank from Rio has done more to abolish physical private property in the United States than any other governmental policy.

Coinciding with its plan to usher us into a brave new world, Agenda 21, is responsible for promoting “green jobs,” as well as high-speed rail and other mass transit projects that “promote the use of labor-intensive construction and maintenance technologies which generate employment in the construction sector for the underemployed labor force found in most large cities.”

And we can’t forget the hidden crown jewel of the sustainable development scheme: population control. Agenda 21 demands, “Population policy should also recognize the role played by human beings in environmental and development concerns.” Additionally the document reveals that the population-control method of choice is abortion. Cloaking their message with terms like “curative health facilities,” (a deceptive alias for abortion clinics), the Agenda declares, “Governments should take active steps to implement programs to establish and strengthen preventive and curative health facilities that include women-centered, women-managed, safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size.”

Now, as the U.N. doubles down on their global sustainable development ploy in Rio, they are rebranding the issue in a new agenda, alleging that the “greatest threat” facing the planet is the extinction of species.

Trouble is, just like with global warming, extinction of species is not a problem.

The massive species losses being cited in Rio are based on sloppy extrapolations, wild guesses and unfounded presumptions – all force-fed into biased, non-validated, virtual-reality computer models that assume increased carbon dioxide levels will raise global temperatures so high that plants, birds, reptiles and animals will be exterminated.

Like their ridiculous global cooling, global warming, climate change scenarios, there is no evidence to support any of these bizarre extinction scenarios.

In a nutshell – we’re not gonna die. However, if we let the U.N. have their way, liberty will be pushed to the brink.

Don’t miss Brian Sussman’s brilliant expose of the debilitating green movement: “Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America”

Brian Sussman

Brian Sussman is the author of "Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam" and "Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda Will Dismantle America," both published by WND Books. You can learn more about Brian at Read more of Brian Sussman's articles here.

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