Team believes it found Noah’s Ark
June 30, 2006: A 14-man crew that included evangelical apologist Josh McDowell says it returned from a trek to a mountain in Iran with possible evidence of the remains of Noah’s Ark.
The expedition returned with video footage of a large black formation, about 400 feet long – the length of the ark, according to the Bible – that looks like rock but bears the image of hundreds of massive, wooden, hand-hewn beams.
“These beams not only look like petrified wood, they are so impressive that they look like real wood – this is an amazing discovery that may be the oldest shipwreck in recorded history,” said one of the team members.
The team said one piece of the blackened rock is “cut” at 90-degree angle. Even more intriguing, they said, some of the wood-like rocks they tested proved to be petrified wood.
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