Where’s the evidence?

By WND Staff

Mr. Klayman said in the Florida hearing today,that 
”Obama’s” father was a Kenyan [“Obama attorneys argue he’s not Dem nominee”].

What is he basing that claim on? T
here have been zero, zippo, nada sworn, 
certified documents to establish what he said! He does not know who the parents are of 
”the man who calls himself Obama.” We just know he calls himself “Obama.” T
here has been no sworn, certified evidence of what 
the legal name is of “the man who calls himself Obama.” There has been no sworn, certified evidence of who 
the parents are of “the man who calls himself Obama.” There has been no sworn, certified evidence of where 
the birth was of “the man who calls himself Obama.” There has been no sworn, certified evidence of what the 
date of birth was of “the man who calls himself Obama.”

Cheryl Surber

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