None of the above in 2012?

By Joseph Farah

Remember me?

I’m the guy who wrote the book “None of the Above” in 2008.

I don’t regret it. I anticipated the outcome of the election. I never doubted Barack Obama would beat John McCain.

Half the book was devoted to how extraordinarily bad Obama would be for the country, and the other half was devoted to the profound shortcomings of McCain – focusing on his utter contempt for the Constitution.

It was my recommendation then that voting for either of the two major candidates was wrong for the following reasons:

  • A McCain victory would solidify the Republican Party as a non-viable alternative to the Democrats – just a party that would take the nation to the same destination on a slightly slower road.
  • Obama, on the other hand, would demonstrate to America, once again, just how destructive socialist, anti-American, anti-liberty policies are – resulting in a backlash in 2010 and beyond.
  • I had also fantasized that a McCain loss in 2008 might result in a new look for the Republican Party in 2012, with a candidate who could actually help us reverse course.

As the saying goes, two out of three ain’t bad.

Get a copy of Joseph Farah’s “None of the Above” for a practical explanation of the way politics works and doesn’t work – now only 99 cents!

The McCain loss and the Obama victory did indeed result in the spontaneous generation of a new grass-roots liberty movement. We know this now as the tea party. That movement resulted in the Republican takeover in the House in 2010 and positioned Republicans to thwart further damage by Obama in the final two years of his term.

The tea-party movement just wouldn’t have been birthed without the election of Obama – and that was a good thing. I predicted it with some degree of accuracy in “None of the Above.”

However, House Republicans didn’t fulfill their promises. Instead, inexplicably, they provided Obama all the borrowed money he needed to continue to grow government, destroy freedom and undermine the economy. They may have another opportunity this year to force reductions in spending by refusing to raise the debt limit, but I am not optimistic. My “No More Red Ink” campaign has buried House Republicans in more than 1 million letters urging a debt-limit freeze – so far to no avail.

(I urge you not to give up on this campaign because there will be battles on this front in 2013, likely with more tea-party Republicans in the House and Senate.)

So what do we do in 2012?

Do we hold our noses and vote for Mitt Romney? Or do we follow the none-of-the-above prescription?

Based on his long and contradictory political record, I do not have much hope that Romney is going to do a 180 if he wins. I don’t think he will steer the nation on the U-turn course that is absolutely necessary to save us from the brink of disaster.

However, the idea of a second term for Obama genuinely scares me. I don’t believe America could ever recover from such a cataclysm. The country will suffer irreparable harm, if it hasn’t done so already.

While I remain a principled constitutionalist who doesn’t believe in voting for anyone who does not understand and embrace its limitations on federal power, I believe 2012 is one of those rare election years in which freedom-loving Americans will, out of necessity, be forced to vote defensively.

I won’t be voting for Romney because I think he will save America or reverse our dangerous course. But I will likely be voting for him to buy America the time it needs to avoid catastrophe. It’s just that simple – and sad.

I still believe in the important principles I laid out in 2008 in “None of the Above.” I think they are right – for normal times.

But we are not living in normal times. America has been invaded by a foreign enemy just as surely and just as deadly as the one we see each week on the “Falling Skies” TV show. It’s time to fight back – for our survival.

That’s what the 2012 election is to me. We’ve got to drive out the alien invaders. Then, maybe, we can focus on re-establishing America as a functioning, self-governing constitutional republic that strictly limits federal power.

It’s our only chance to avoid chaos, economic collapse, a continuing war on civil liberties and religious freedom and, quite possibly, a complete breakdown of civil society.

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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