How would you destroy America?

By Joseph Farah

Suppose someone who truly hated America got elected president – using deception, fraud and, as extremist radicals like him would put it, “by any means necessary.”

What would such a person do to bring America, the land of liberty, to its knees?

One of the things he would do would be to nationalize 17 percent of the private sector in one fell swoop by mandating citizens to participate in a government-run health-care system.

Another thing he might do is to nationalize the one corporation that, more than any other, was a symbol of private enterprise – General Motors, stripping shareholders like my 88-year-old mother of part of their life savings and turning it over to a bunch of union thugs and coercing the company to build cars and trucks no one wants.

Then he might impose crushing regulations on private enterprise and threaten them with higher taxes so companies would be disinclined to hire new employees. Those out of work would then be dependent on government – and him – for their survival.

Then he would exponentially expand deficit spending to the extent that it could not be sustained, after promising, of course, to bring it under control.

Then he would try the old divide-and-conquer strategy by blaming the “rich” for not paying their fair share, while expanding government “entitlements” and creating more dependency than ever before in the nation’s history.

Then he would get the country involved in foreign wars in which America has no interest – and ensure that our country is supporting those who represent a bigger threat to world stability and U.S. interests than those they are trying to topple.

Then he would expand government surveillance, not against people who represent a threat to national security, but against those who believe in the Constitution, returning vets, those who take the Bible seriously and his own personal political enemies. This would include using new technologies, including widespread and gratuitous use of drone aircraft developed for foreign combat purposes.

He would characterize the Constitution not as basis for the law of the land, but as a “living document” subject to interpretation only by judges and justices he appoints, sometimes for lifetime terms.

He would mandate that all employers, regardless of their own moral consciences, provide insurance for employees that covers abortion, sterilizations and birth control – placing government edicts ahead of religious convictions.

He would open up the borders to a flood of new illegal immigrants, while suing sovereign states that attempt to protect the jobs and lives of their citizens.

He would make sure that an oil pipeline from neighboring Canada is never allowed to be built, further killing jobs and energy supplies to an already depressed economy.

He would also ban offshore drilling and refuse to allow new refineries to be built in America, while using U.S. taxpayer dollars and his debt to subsidize oil production by foreign countries.

He would plot to disarm Americans with the help of foreigners, reducing any chance of a rebellion.

He would give away billions in taxpayer dollars to companies owned by his friends – most of which would never produce anything of value to anyone.

He would oversee a secret operation to sell American guns to drug cartels in Mexico, knowing they would be used to kill hundreds of Mexican and American citizens on both sides of the border – including law-enforcement officials – in another effort to promote private-gun confiscation.

Then he would ensure his Justice Department promoted injustice by not prosecuting his crooked friends and political allies – including armed thugs who threatened any opposition at the polls.

He would promote treaties that diminished U.S. sovereignty in every way.

He would promote radical division in a society that had demonstrated its ability to overcome it by electing him.

He would say his administration would be the most open and transparent in history while virtually killing the Freedom of Information Act and concealing all of his personal documentation, writings, student records, travel records and even documents subpoenaed by Congress.

He would make American citizens feel like cattle when they traveled, subjecting them to groping and full-body scans.

He would add insult to injury by stating that entrepreneurs didn’t really build their own businesses – it was the government who deserved the real credit.

That’s just some of what a president who truly hated America would do if elected.

If you want to find out what a president like that would do if he were re-elected, read “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Secret Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed.”

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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