Israel, Jews, Christians and GIs betrayed

By Larry Klayman

Early this morning, I was sitting in a Jewish delicatessen sipping on a cup of coffee and in the booth next to me were three elderly Jewish men, all pontificating about Israel.

One in particular was expressing the view that the “religious right” in Israel has too many “rights” and needed to be forced – given their previous military exemption and the Israeli Supreme Court’s recent decision removing this exemption – to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF. This is a major issue these days in the Jewish state – tearing apart the thinly held, and at one time unanimous, government coalition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a time that complete solidarity is important – particularly over the Iranian nuclear threat. So, given the interest of these morning “kibitzers” toward Israel’s defense, I thought that I would interject and take one of my informal polls. As both a Jew and a Christian, and, yes, as a proud Zionist, I take a special interest in the wellbeing and defense of Israel, the place – the cradle of civilization – where Moses, King David and Jesus was born and carried out the will of the Lord.

Politely, I turned my attention to these gentlemen and said in a friendly tone, “I see you are concerned about Israel. I am, too. And like you, I am also Jewish. Tell, me how do you feel about the way that Obama has treated Israel.” In response, the younger of the kosher trio shot back, “I think Obama has been a great friend of Israel! And what about Rahm Emmanuel having been his chief of staff!”

Hearing this, I chuckled and added, “This means nothing. Hitler, for instance was part Jewish from his father’s family. And what about Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky? They were all self-hating Jews and severely harmed our people.” This ended the brief conversation, as all three liberal gentlemen turned red and then tersely told me to shut up. Wanting to have the last word, I concluded: “Well, in my view Obama sees himself as Muslim, and he is no friend to the Jewish people, but sympathizes with and supports their Muslim adversaries, Iran in particular. Do you want another Holocaust? Think about it.” I then got up and left.

Indeed, and ironically, self-hating Jews, in addition to anti-Semites from other walks of life, have throughout history been among the worst enemies of the Jewish people. Just yesterday, for instance, it was reported by a number of news sources, including WND, that President Barack Hussein Obama and his anti-Semitic and anti-Christian minions have cleverly fashioned a coalition of “Rabbis for Obama,” led by rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, as obvious cover for his not too latent anti-Semitism, hostile actions toward Israel and the political fallout among those concerned Jews who previously voted for Obama. In response, the Republican Jewish Coalition, or RJC, predictably issued a press release titled, “Obama Campaign Embraces Radical Rabbi: She Meets with Ahmadinejad, Travels to Iran, Serves on the Board of Organization ADL Calls A ‘Top Ten Anti-Israel Group.'”

The RJC then went on to underscore, in relatively mild and weak prose, that “(b)y promoting and showcasing Rabbi Gottlieb as one as one of President Obama’s supporters, the Obama campaign lends legitimacy and credibility to a rabbi whose extreme views are well beyond the mainstream of the Jewish community and the mainstream of America. … (T)here can only be two explanations for her inclusion in the list: 1.) the Obama campaign failed to properly vet the rabbis on their official list, or 2) they did properly vet the rabbis and chose to ignore Rabbi Gottlieb’s radical views.”

This overly mild if not disingenuous reaction to Obama’s embrace of persons like self-hating, anti-Semitic Rabbi Gottlieb underscores the lack of fortitude in the Republican Party, even among its own Jews, and helps explain why the “mullah in chief” has been given virtual free political reign by the so-called opposition party to subvert the interests of the Jewish state and run interference instead for Tehran. The bottom line is (and the RJC should have proclaimed it straight up): “By the selection of Rabbi Gottlieb and these other leftist rabbis, President Obama has again revealed that he is no friend of and in fact a foe of the Jewish people, Christians, people of true faith and others who stand with Israel’s right to exist. That is the only explanation, given Obama’s other conduct toward and against Israel during his presidency!”

And as for the presumptive nominees of the Republican Party for the offices of the president and vice president, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, neither will unequivocally state – even when asked point blank by political conservative commentators like Sean Hannity on Fox News – whether they, if elected, will order the United States military to join with the IDF to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities.

But Republicans have not only been weak in opposing Obama on Israel and Iran and blunting his anti-Semitic and anti-Christian actions in general, they also furthered the interests of Iran during the presidency of George W. Bush. Just last Sunday, it was reported by the New York Times and others that the Shiite government of Iraq, through Iraqi banks and other institutions, has been aiding and abetting Iran to evade U.S. and U.N. sanctions

By sacrificing the lives of the American military – more than 4,000 have been killed and well over 45,000 severely wounded and maimed to create a so-called democracy in Iraq, one that is controlled by Shiite Muslims loyal not to us but to their Shiite brothers in Tehran – George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their brain-dead advisers like Condoleezza Rice created a monster. Not even dead Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein, who was Sunni, would have helped the mullahs in Tehran by providing financial and other support to Iran, in which aid is obviously furthering the Islamic terrorist state’s nuclear bomb capability.

It, therefore, has become clear to all: Not only Israel, but American Jews, Christians and even our brave servicemen have been sold out by the establishments of both political parties. And now all of us are on the verge of even paying a greater price for their actions and inactions.

A nuclear Iran is a dagger in our side and more than a threat to our survival. God save the United States and Israel!



Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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