Race riots media won’t talk about

By WND Staff

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It’s one of the least reported and most alarming trends in recent years the mainstream media and politicians won’t talk about: The rise of black mob violence in U.S. cities across the nation.

The startling wave of brutality leaves behind battered victims while media and political figures consistently downplay the severity of the attacks.

That’s the focus of the book, “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” by author Colin Flaherty, who is also a radio host, former speech writer for the first black chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a special correspondent for WND.

In a radio interview with WND’s Greg Corombos, Flaherty explained why he has been documenting this surge in mob violence.

“I started hearing about what the newspapers were calling ‘flash mobs’ and teenagers walking around downtown Philadelphia,” he said. “It happened over and over. I looked at YouTube, and what I saw on YouTube was totally different than the antiseptic version I read in the newspaper.

“What I saw on YouTube was a race riot, several of them – large crowds of black people running down the streets of downtown Philadelphia, beating people up, hurting people very badly, pulling people out of cars, going into restaurants, stealing stuff, destroying property. Then I realized it was happening all over the country, not just in places like Philly, but in Baltimore, New York and all these big places and small places, like Peoria, Ill., or places you wouldn’t expect it, like Seattle and Portland.

“I wrote the book for one reason: to convince the deniers that we have an epidemic of racial violence in this country, and we have to recognize it.”

Flaherty admitted he doesn’t know what caused the outbreak of violence. In fact, he said he doesn’t even try to explain or solve the problem. He said he simply informs Americans of the wave of violence the mainstream media either downplay or refuse to report.

“When I say racial violence, I’m really focusing on the criminals/predators, not the victims,” Flaherty explained. “I’m not trying to get into the minds of the predators. I’m just saying when hundreds of black people march down the streets of Philly or Cleveland or New York or Boston, Peoria, Milwaukee, Seattle, Portland … 70 cities, when this happens over and over and over – hundreds of incidents in the last two or three years – and it is exclusively a black phenomenon, that’s why I call it racial violence.”

He argued that admitting the facts in these cases would force liberal activists and politicians to admit decades of racial policies have been unsuccessful.

“They’re hoping to avoid people like me asking one question. … After 50 years of affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring and all this race-conscious behavior, they don’t want somebody like me to look at them and say, ‘How is that working out for you?'”

Flaherty also explained why he focuses on mob violence by blacks in particular: “When people call me and ask that question, I say, ‘If you have an example of white mobs or Asian mobs preying on helpless black people, a link or a video, if you have one of these that is not reported, please let me know, because this is so overwhelmingly a black phenomenon.”

He added, “Guess what: Black leaders know this. Black people know this. White people know this. You know who goes really crazy on this topic? It’s not black people. It’s white liberals. They’re the ones who go nuts when I talk about this.”

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