Clinton: Economy may cost Obama youth vote

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(NYPOST) — Because of the poor economy, President Obama could have a hard time securing the youth vote that helped carry him to victory four years ago, former President Bill Clinton said yesterday.

In 2008, Obama “won an enormous victory among people under 30,” Clinton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. “But they are disproportionately likely now to be unemployed or stuck in part-time jobs, to be frustrated.

“I think for all kinds of reasons, they’re unlikely to vote in large numbers for Governor [Mitt] Romney, but will they vote?”

Clinton, however, strongly defended Obama, saying that the tanked economy could not have been “fully healed” in one term. He also slammed Romney’s payment of 14.1 percent on his latest tax returns, in which indicated earning $13.7 million, as not helping the economic recovery.

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