How Romney can prove he’s a (principled) man

By Larry Klayman

Let’s be honest. Mitt Romney is a terrible Republican presidential candidate, not unlike John Kerry was for the Democrats in 2004. Not only is Romney a flip-flopper on issues, but he looks stiff, if not paralyzed, on the stump and, with his eyes constantly shifting, cannot express a clear vision on anything. That is why he is sinking faster than a rock, after a disjointed and incomprehensible establishment-run Republican convention in Tampa and a vicious, misleading but also effective Democratic one in Charlotte – orchestrated in large part by the likes of radical socialists, feminists, gays, lesbians, transgender freaks, illegal immigrants, Islamists, black Muslims, white trash and self-hating Jews. The former “criminal in chief,” Bill Clinton, whom Republicans let get off the mat during impeachment proceedings in the late 1990s, and his fellow minions carved Romney and his party up like the hapless gobbling turkeys they are, at the Democratic National Convention. We are seeing the results of this pre-Thanksgiving “slaughter” in the polls taken in swing states this week, where incumbent President Barack Hussein Obama is pulling away from Romney. To be blunt, if Romney does not fortify his vulnerable “turkey neck,” he is a goner.

To show that he actually has principles and that he would be a decisive and forceful leader, thereby blunting his poor communications skills, Romney must take some hard stands on issues and live by them. In effect, Romney needs to walk the walk, especially since he cannot talk the talk like Obama and Clinton. In so doing, he will also distinguish himself from his establishment Republican Party, run by political hack dinosaurs like Sens. Mitch McConnell and John McCain and Speaker of the House John Boehner, who mostly spew political platitudes, prevaricate and bluster.

First, with the recent assassination of our ambassador to Libya, a former Navy SEAL and two other Americans at the hands of al-Qaida on Sept. 11 and the Muslim riots in a host of Arab capitals, Romney needs to be clear that the United States finds itself in this massive Muslim anti-Western uprising precisely because President Obama has, through is words and deeds, shown these Islamic lunatics that he sympathizes with them. And why is this so? Because Obama, whose beloved father was a Muslim, views himself as a Muslim and behaves accordingly. In effect, the “Muslim” Obama gave the green light to terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, which now controls Egypt and other key Arab interests, to foment attacks on Americans and our interests in the Middle East.

Second, Romney must stress the fact that Obama is ineligible to be president because he is likely Kenyan-born and not a natural born citizen – meaning that both of his parents were not U.S. citizens at his birth. The framers put this requirement into the Constitution to avoid the harmful foreign influences we are now living through with Obama. Romney must take the gloves off and pound away at this legitimate eligibility issue, which underscores, reinforces and explains why Obama’s actions have been un-American and severely harmful to the United States.

Third, and perhaps most important, Romney must finally come out of his “nuanced” closet and take a strong stand with regard to a nuclear Iran. Unlike his worthless Republican colleagues, he must forcefully advocate and push for an immediate joint pre-emptive attack on this neo-Nazi terrorist state’s nuclear facilities by the United States and Israel. The nation and the world cannot simply wait for a second Holocaust to happen, as the mullahs in Tehran have threatened to use these weapons to wipe out not just Israel, but the United States. And, if this week’s events in the Middle East prove anything, it’s time for our nation and Israel to finally act and not worry about reactions among radical and even frequently “rank and file” Muslims abroad and at home. They hate our guts anyway and are willing to kill and harm us with any false pretext to further the goal of Islam – Muslim revolution worldwide. Thus, Romney should refuse to bow down to this Islamic threat (like Obama did to the Saudi king and others). For the good of the nation and its citizens, Romney must show not only his but our resolve and manhood in the face of this evil tyranny. As President Ronald Reagan said, governing accordingly, there can only be peace through strength. We do not currently have any semblance of peace in the Middle East under Obama and his Muslim brothers.

Fourth, Romney must push for a criminal investigation and prosecution by an independent counsel to be selected from the private legal sector (not a current or former government Justice Department prosecutor), over Obama’s illegal leaks of vital national security information. Otherwise, this traitorous activity by Obama and those in his administration will, as usual, be swept under the carpet by the government’s legal establishment. Romney must stress that if the Obama administration can legally move against the Navy SEAL who disclosed the sources and methods of the nation’s assassination of Osama bin Laden – as Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta threatened earlier this week – then Obama himself must be held accountable as well. Obama and American presidents should not be above the law.

Fifth, Romney must stress that the events in the Middle East are tied to our poor economy, as they destabilize investor confidence and result in huge increases in the price of oil. In this last regard, Romney should commit to bringing an antitrust price-fixing lawsuit by his Justice Department, as I have done at Freedom Watch, to break up the illegal cartel of predominantly Arab oil producers, called OPEC.

In short, if he is to have any chance to win the presidential election, Romney must show resolve and spine, something he has not done so far. And, the best way is to advocate strong action, not just the usual “turkey dish” of fools. In this way, he can finally be seen as a principled man, and perhaps the people will react accordingly this November.

Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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