In response to your story “Firing of Bible-toting teacher under review” – it has been apparent to me for many years that the educational system in this country needs 1) to be educated as to what the Constitution says and what it means, and 2) that the school districts need to bee taken to court and bankrupted every time they violate a student’s or a teacher’s religious freedom.
They love to quote the first part of the sentence in the Constitution that says, “Congress (and this means the federal, not state government) shall make no laws regarding the establishment of religion,” but they absolutely refuse to utter the second half, which says, “nor prevent the free exersice thereof.” Anyone who is not a complete moron understands that a public school has no right or authority to tell anyone they can’t bring their Bible to school and read it on their free time, i.e. lunch and recess. The only way this will get through their heads is if they’re taken to court and bankrupt whenever they do it.
They need to understand that we will not let godless heathens tell the rest of us that we can’t worship God.
Dennis Capshaw