1st step in rebuilding Jerusalem Temple?
Sept. 21, 1998: From the beginning, WND’s news coverage has focused on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Nine years ago today, members of a group called the Temple Mount Faithful, which seeks to rebuild the Third Temple, were planning to take the first dramatic step and lay the cornerstone for the reconstruction project.
The group planned to transport the cornerstone, covered with Tallith, or prayer shawl and accompanied by Levites, or Jewish priests, to anoint the stone according to biblical laws.
“We want to renew everything which belongs to the Temple and biblical tradition,” says Gershon Salomon, the group’s leader, who added he believes the Temple will be fully rebuilt and used for worship soon. “We know that we are living in a special exciting time of the redemption of the people and the land of Israel, the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. We feel and live the special significance of this time. The members of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement dedicated themselves to fulfill the wish of the God of Israel and the prophecies of the prophets of Israel for the end-times.”
Nine years later, WND is reporting the Olmert government’s proposals to give the Temple Mount and portions of the Old City to the Palestinian Authority, even as the Muslim Waqf is destroying Second Temple artifacts with its excavations and allowing the official radio station of the Islamic Jihad terror group to broadcast from the sacred site.
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