How 2nd Obama term will devastate small business

By WND Staff

The author of “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed,” says part of Barack Obama’s decline in the polls is his treatment of Americans.

It’s his “tactics of division,” said author Aaron Klein.

He was appearing on Fox News to participate in a panel discussing Obama’s recent decline. Polls show GOP challenger Mitt Romney now leading in many national assessments, and even closing in states where Obama previously was expecting a walk.

Klein likened Obama’s attitude to “class warfare” and “gender warfare” and said voters are being put off by the aggression.

Klein already has revealed Obama’s plans should he be re-elected and occupy the White House for another four years.

His book, “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed,” is expected by WND Books founder Joseph Farah to be the biggest political book of the election year.

It has spent much of the summer and fall on the New York Times bestsellers list, and it’s also listed by Publishers Weekly among the top nonfiction books in the country.

A billboard to promote the book also has just been erected off of Interstate 70 and near Prospect Ave. in Kansas City, Mo.

Klein and co-author Brenda Elliott investigated thousands of documents, researched dozens of “progressive” organizations advising the Obama administration and documented their plans.

‎See what political books people are reading, and what’s at the top of that list. Also, hear what author Aaron Klein told Lou Dobbs about a second term for Obama.

The billboard:

Among the Obama policies detailed in the book:

  • An expansive, de facto amnesty program for illegal aliens via executive order and interagency directives linked with a reduction in the capabilities of the U.S. Border Patrol and plans to bring in untold numbers of new immigrants with the removal of caps on H-1B visas and green cards.
  • Government-funded, neighborhood-based programs to better integrate the newly amnestied immigrants into society, including education centers and healthcare centers. A “federal solution” to ensure that the amnestied immigrants are treated “equitably” across the United States.
  • The re-creation of a 21st century version of FDR’s Works Progress Administration program within the Department of Labor that would oversee a massive new bureaucracy and millions of new federal jobs;
  • Specific plans for a National Infrastructure Bank. This entity would “evaluate and finance infrastructure projects ‘of substantial regional and national importance'” and would finance “transportation infrastructure, housing, energy, telecommunications, drinking water, wastewater, and other infrastructures.”
  • Wresting control of the military budget from Congress by attempting to place an “independent panel” in charge of military spending while slashing the defense budget in shocking ways.
  • The vastly reduced resources of the U.S. armed forces will be spread even thinner by using them to combat “global warming,” fight global poverty, remedy “injustice,” bolster the United Nations and step up use of “peacekeeping” deployments;
  • A new “green” stimulus program and the founding of a federal “green” bank or “Energy Independence Trust,” which would borrow from the federal treasury to provide low-cost financing to private-sector investments in “clean energy.”
  • Detailed plans to enact single-payer health care legislation controlled by the federal government.

The sign previously was put up in Tampa, Fla., and Charlotte, N.C., when the political parties had their national conventions.

Tampa billboard

“Just as ‘Unfit for Command’ provided the margin of defeat for John Kerry in 2004, ‘Fool Me Twice’ will ensure Obama serves only one term,” said WND CEO Joseph Farah. “No true American can read this book or hear about its explosive revelations and support his re-election. It’s just that simple. This book is a game-changer.”

Legendary actor Chuck Norris, star of “The Expendables 2,” called “Fool Me Twice” a “groundbreaking exposé and borderline prophetic look into exactly what will happen in a second term with Barack Obama.”

The book unveils all the main areas of Obama’s second-term domestic policy onslaught – jobs, wages, health care, immigration “overhaul,” electoral “reform,” national energy policy, Pentagon plans and more.

“If you think you’ve seen America radicalized and Alinskyized over the last four years, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” said Farah. “This is the only book this year that isn’t about Obama’s past performance, which we all know from first-hand experience. This is about what he will do if given the chance of a second term – based on the words and plans of those policymakers closest to him.”

When Democrats gathered in Charlotte, N.C., for their nominating convention, they saw the sign.

Charlotte billboard

See the “Fool Me Twice” trailer:

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