Rove’s method is insanity

By Mychal Massie

I’m seeing the same polls you are that say Romney is trailing blah-blah-blah. Specific to that point, I agree with Dick Morris who has gone into great detail explaining how the media and biased pollsters are not only able to skew the polls but, in fact, are doing so for the express purpose of making Obama appear to be a fait accompli.

The Obama campaign is counting on high turnout among three groups to win re-election: blacks, Hispanics, and young people. But there is a group I believe Obama has overlooked and has done so to his peril. That group is comprised of those who voted for Obama in 2008 but have realized he has betrayed their confidence and will not vote for him again.

In my syndicated article “How Many Informed Voters Will Stay Home,” I pointed out that both campaigns are ignoring those people who are disgusted with Obama and will under no circumstances vote for him – but at the same time they are not satisfied with Romney as their other choice.

The Obama campaign team is as narcissistic and clueless as their party mascot. They are ignoring another key group of people and reinforcing the opinions those people now hold. They should be paying attention to those who voted for Obama in 2008 but who now feel he conned and then betrayed them.

Obama’s way of winning these people back is by having his minions berate them. They are called sellouts and racists. But that is the wrong approach.

The voters I reference did not vote for Obama because of the color of his skin – they voted for him because they believed in his message of “hope and change.” They did their calculations based on their personal formulas pursuant to same and believed he would usher in a better day. Instead he ushered in a zeitgeist of immiseration, class warfare, unemployment and a diminished standard of living. And, even more egregious, they hold him singularly accountable for renewing the racial divide many believed we had moved beyond.

They have quietly observed his weak leadership, his unwillingness to accept responsibility for his failures and shortcomings, and his transpicuous lies – and they’ve had enough. They are tired of waiting for him to accomplish (or at least try to accomplish) the things he promised.

Republicans have hitched their wagon to independents; their “Rovian” (as in Karl) theory being that all they have to do is focus on them and they will win. That is true only as far as it goes. The problem with Rove’s theory is it calls for an approach that disenfranchises the strength of the party, i.e., the conservative base.

Rove’s method is an exercise in insanity, and his berating of those who demand the party remember its roots is a pattern that mirrors Obama’s. Obama is what he is, i.e., a pernicious narcissist – a mendacious liar. But we expect more from the party that throughout history has always been on the right side of the issues (the opinions of leftist liberals notwithstanding).

Republicans don’t need a special message. This election should be a walk in the park for them. Obama’s record hangs like a millstone around his neck. He can only run from it or lie about it. It is impossible to run with that kind of weight around his neck – which means he is left with lying as his only option, and people are tired of hearing “it’s Bush’s fault.”

Republicans need a clear message based on the reality of the situation that confronts us. In short, they need to grow some manhood.

People are suffering, and they feel as though neither party understands that. A clear message of the truth is a message I firmly believe would swing this election. Such a message would assures people that the fight to overturn the damage that has been perpetrated won’t be easy – but it can, in large part, be done. That message wouldn’t even require mentioning Obama’s name.

I think Romney should consider promising to donate his entire salary as president directly to paying down the deficit/debt or to put his entire presidential salary toward Social Security. Donating his entire presidential salary wouldn’t make a difference in either because of the enormity of both – but it would draw a clear distinction between himself and Obama.

We need a message that clearly outlines what is needed to create jobs. We need a message that clearly tells people that $5 or more for a pound of bacon is wrong and how it can be remedied. We need to explain to people that our fuel prices shouldn’t be 10 times higher than the price of fuel in the countries our tax dollars are pouring into and that American technology was responsible for getting it out of the ground.

We need a message that says America and her people are second only to the God our forefathers looked to as they founded this great nation.

The problem with Rove, et al., is that they think the overwhelming majority of Americans aren’t smart enough to recognize the truth of what it is we need.

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.

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