Boehner’s not the problem

By WND Staff

Seldom do I disagree with Joseph Farah, but in this instance I must [“Boehner must go”]. House Speaker Boehner isn’t the problem. Barack Hussein Obama, Timothy Geithner, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and scores of czars are the problem. It’s not Boehner that we need to get rid of, it’s this lying socialist sitting in the White House that we need to get rid of before he totally destroys our nation.

Aiding and abetting our enemies is an impeachable offense. A few examples: arming Egypt, Libya and the Mexican drug cartels while disarming our nation. How ironic that President Nixon resigned his presidency over one lie, whereas this so-called president and his minions lie about everything with total impunity. Why is there no accountability with Obama and his surrogates?

Richard Meixner

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