Farah and his cohorts reject reality

By Around the Web

(Media Matters) — A large group of conservative activists and media figures — including CNN’s Erick Erickson and WND.com founder Joseph Farah – have published an open letter to House and Senate Republicans threatening them not to compromise in any way with the “leftist agenda” of the Obama White House and congressional Democrats, as reported by Ari Melber of The Nation. Aside from raising the specter of primary challenges for apostates, the signatories insist that the election actually showed the America is clamoring for conservatism.

According to the letter: “In the House, the nation elected in 2012 one of the largest Republican majorities in the past 100 years. You have a mandate to fight for conservative principles that is arguably much broader than the one that narrowly reelected President Barack Obama claims to have for his leftist agenda.”

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