Dear Barbara,
Great job going 95 perceont of the way in your WND column “Obama’s stealthy education takeover.” You got it all correct, and I thank you for telling Americans. I submit, however, that you are missing three critical points you could have made very quickly, as follows:
- State-run education (i.e., controlled by the government and funded by force of taxation, the state-controlled redistribution of wealth) should have never been created in America, the land of the free and home of the brave. (If you happen to be a Christian, you would also know that only the parents have God-given jurisdiction over the teaching, training, and indoctrination of children, and the civil government does not.)
State schools were never a real high point of education for Americans, and they certainly were not the prime moral indoctrinators of children (again, especially if you favor the biblical worldview).
- State schooling is not equal to “American education” despite the fact that parents send about 87 percent of the future voters of the U.S. away to public schools for their daily teaching, training and indoctrination. Ergo, I would not write a sentence that says, “… destruction of American education and the dumbing down of our children” when referring to only state schooling.
- Finally, you would do your readers and America in general a great favor if you were to clearly and bluntly tell them that the only good track America should have ever been on and still should be on is private, non-state-controlled education, and that takes the form of voluntary associations called private schools and freely chosen parent-led home-based education (aka homeschooling), neither of which should be funded by government-forced redistribution of wealth. Once this message is explained, repeated, reinforced and then practice by 15 percent, then 20 percent, then more Americans (while it is now at about 13 percent), then you will see significant and hopeful signs in the culture at large. Once we see a return in the U.S. to private education being the norm and then the only option, then you be much happier about the state of “education” in America.
State teaching, training and indoctrination of children has never worked (e.g., consider Nazi Germany, Communist China, atheist USSR, fascist Italy and eventually – circa 1870 through now – socialist/secular humanist United States) and never will if you want freethinking, liberty, classical liberalism, Constitution-run government and/or a Christian worldview as the dominant approaches to thinking, life and society.
Thank you for your good work, and merry Christmas.