(OpEdNews.com) — Let the word go forth this holiday season. Glory, glory hallelujah, the culture war is over.
November 6th, 2012, was VC day, the day the fifty-year war for the future was won. When history looks back on that day, the reelection of Barack Obama will be a footnote–or, if you’re a partisan, an exclamation point–but only the second most important thing that happened that Tuesday. Victory in the culture war, after five long decades, was the first.
Fifty years ago, liberation came into the land. One by one the causes emerged, civil rights, women’s rights, gay liberation, freedom of lifestyle choice, freedom to pursue happiness unhindered by the dead hand of the past. The shape of the future was clear, all those years ago. We’ve been fighting a rear-guard action ever since.
And now we have triumphed; there is no going back.