An independent news organization has named the Drudge Report and WND among the “most trustworthy news sources” for 2012, citing Drudge as the “top-trusted site for millions” and WND for “continual commitment to the truth and top-notch journalistic practice.”
The list of the top news sources, where WND was second only to the Drudge Report, was announced today by the Discerning Times at, an online source that bills itself as a “Small Town Newspaper, Big Time News.”
The Christian organization said it based its decision on several factors, including the news reported “results from the fullest research possible” and that news “will be reported without favoritism.”
Other factors include an emphasis on beneficial news, the appropriate use of photographs “with due consideration for personal dignity” and that “no specific political viewpoint will be represented.”
The Discerning Times’ Thomas McGee told WND the news site’s operation consistently offers “fast, balanced, and reliable news.”
The Times noted that candidates were evaluated on reliability, accuracy, quality, balance and reach. Those factors represent concerns for “consistent, regularly updated delivery of news,” “well-rounded stories which focus upon facts rather than gossip or hearsay,” “informative, well-written pieces over sheer quantity,” “stories reported aside from bias or agenda” and “strong authority and readership.”
“With a continual commitment to the truth and top-notch journalistic practices, WorldNetDaily has time and again exposed corruption in the media and politics while maintaining good journalistic practices,” the evaluation concluded. “WND clearly differentiates when they’re reporting news and providing commentary or opinion.”
The only site listed ahead of WND was the Drudge Report. The paper said, “With a reach and readership higher than that of the New York Times, Drudge Report is the top-trusted news site for millions.”
No. 3 was TheBlaze, which, although new, has “gained a solid reputation,” and No. 4 is Breitbart News, which has a “central focus on political issues.”
No. 5 is Fox News, which “has made a noticeable effort to keep news fair and balanced,” and No. 6 is NewsBusters, which has exposed “corruption in the media.”
No. 7 is The Weekly Standard, and No. 8 is the Wall Street Journal.
Conspicuous by their absence were such legacy media organizations as the Associated Press and the New York Times.