WND: Slime pit

By WND Staff

Today I heard that Rick (crazy) Santorum will be writing a column for your website, so I just had to check it out.

I’ve never seen such a bottomless slime pit in my entire life, and I’m 73 years old.

It is amazing to me that you are able to further dumb down vulnerable Americans in to spending any time reading this slime.

Get over it: A BLACK MAN has been elected president of the United States – TWICE!

There’s nothing you can do about it. Well, except further enrage those ignorant people who have forgotten what made America great … the melting pot of all peoples and cultures into the best country in the world.

Oh, yes, and that includes HOMOSEXUALS.

They are here, but they are not trying to take over the world, as you lie. They just want the same rights every other minority (other than pasty old white men) have had to fight for throughout the history of this country.

I’d donate money to your cause – but I just washed my hair and I can’t do a thing with it.

You all WILL BE GOING TO HELL for all this lying and smear-mongering and treating your fellow man and woman so badly.

You know your Jesus would not approve.

Art Clark

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