George Noory, host of the late-night mega-talk show “Coast to Coast AM,” is bringing his provocative interviews to a new, original weekly TV series, “Beyond Belief with George Noory.”
Like “Coast to Coast AM” – which airs on more than 560 radio stations and is heard by nearly three million weekly listeners – the online, on-demand “Beyond Belief” will deal with everything from globalism, surveillance and conspiracies to UFOs, life after death and other unexplained (and often inexplicable) phenomena.
Noory got started on the new project with an interview with Katherine Albrecht, an expert on privacy and RFID chips, who discusses the future of retail stores, which she says includes offering different prices for each customer, depending on certain factors.
“In the store of the future you walk in with a handheld device and aim it at the shelf” and get the price the store has set up especially for you, she told Noory.
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“Beyond Belief” soon will highlight a discussion with Dr. Leonard Coldwell on “The Answer to Cancer.”
Noory recently heard arguments from Lloyd Pye regarding the existence of extraterrestrials.
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Noory has featured key WND personalities on “Coast to Coast,” including Jerome Corsi, Michael Maloof and David Kupelian.