WASHINGTON – First there was WND’s famous “pink slips campaign” in which every member of Congress was put on notice that voting against liberty and responsibility would result in their expulsion from office in November 2010.
Some 9 million pink slips were distributed to all 535 members of the House and Senate – twice causing runs on the nation’s supplies of pink paper and resulting in a sea of pink that would extend across the United States from California to the nation’s capital if laid end to end.
“Apparently that action was too subtle,” said WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah. “Congress didn’t get the message – and continued on with its profligate spending and attacks on freedom.”
But many paid the price in that midterm election.
Then there was the “No More Red Ink” campaign, which is still alive and well – and by the looks of what’s happening in Washington, it will be going for some time. So far, more than 1.5 million red letters have been delivered to Republican House members explaining to them the simple fact that they can say no to any more borrowing – bring to a halt the rising national debt and forcing upon Washington what Republicans always claims they believe in: constitutionally limited government.
As you probably know, they badly need them.
For only $9.99, including guaranteed delivery by Fed Ex shipping, you can send to Obama, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid copies of the nation’s founding document so they will have no excuses as to the legal limitations on their power.
An accompanying note will also explain how they have already exceeded their constitutional authority and ask them to distribute the extra copies to their colleagues and staffs. They will be personally addressed to the recipients and will bear your name.
(Don’t even ask how WND’s fulfillment department does it – and does it so inexpensively. Just know that it is tops in the world.)
“This is a clear way of stating why you object to their official actions over the last year,” said Farah. “It’s because they are illegitimate. They are rogue actions. They are not just unpopular, they are unauthorized and illegal.”
Farah said it can never hurt to have tens of thousands of extra copies of the Constitution circulating in Washington.
“Apparently, it’s been a long time since most of our elected officials have bothered to open this little book,” he said. “Maybe this will give them something to think about. And wouldn’t it be great if someone makes a YouTube video of one of these characters dumping copies of the Constitution in the trash?”
Farah says the campaign represents more than a way for citizens to vent their frustrations over skyrocketing deficits, bailouts of banks and multinational corporations, taxpayer rip-offs, pork-laden budgets and attacks on individual liberty.
“This is a way to focus the public’s attention on the real issue – the strict limits on federal power prescribed in our Constitution,” said Farah. “There’s a fundamental disconnect in Washington and even around the country when it comes to the proper and legitimate role of the federal government in American life. That’s the point. It’s not just a matter of Americans objecting to this piece of legislation or that executive order. It’s time we insist that Washington limit its activities to the enumerated powers of the Constitution and leave the rest to the state and individuals.” Like it or not, Farah said, Obama is likely to be in office for awhile.
“He may feel like he’s got a mandate to fundamentally transform the country,” Farah said. “But he is not insulated from the accountability of the rule of law. He claims to be a constitutional scholar. But a simple layman’s reading of the Constitution illustrates he is either ignorant of its straightforward limits on power or, worse, blindly contemptuous of them.”
Each recipient – Obama, Reid and Boehner — will receive a letter with your name and address stating the following:
Dear Barack Obama:
Your administration has been characterized by unconstitutional actions – from forcing citizens to buy health insurance, to penalizing people for their thoughts (hate crimes), to taxing the very air we breathe.
It’s time to read the enclosed copy of the U.S. Constitution. I hope you will find it very enlightening to learn that there are actually strict limits on the power of the federal government and the presidency.
Your name
To: John Boehner, Speaker of the House:
Please read the accompanying document. If you can find anywhere in the Constitution authorization for the federal government to force American citizens to buy health insurance or anything else, please let me know.
Since you will be getting many of these in the days ahead, please feel free to circulate them among your colleagues. They should know why so many of them will not be returned to Washington in November.
Your name
To: Harry Reid, Senate majority leader:
I call your attention to the enclosed well-crafted and concise document.
It’s called the Constitution of the United States.
You apparently don’t realize this document enumerates and strictly limits the powers of the federal government. I suggest you read it and pass along copies to your colleagues. It’s about time they learn why so many entrenched senators, including you, will not be returning to Washington following the election this fall.
Your name