No, not the Mufti al-Husseini of Jerusalem, but Obama. Close enough.
Why is Obama going to Israel? The Muslim Brotherhood advocate in the White House has refused to speak to the Knesset. He caved to Muslim threats and supremacist demands and is not going to the Temple Mount with an Israeli escort. And an Obama administration official has said that Obama will not bring any new Middle East peace plan with him, because he doesn’t think the Israelis are interested in peace. Not the “Palestinians” with their calls for blood and genocide, but the Israelis.
So what is he doing there? He is going on the offensive against Israel, and he is doing it from Israel. Expect the notorious leftist Israel press to applaud Obama’s land confiscation policy.
And Obama is not going over there empty-handed. He brings a cash infusion of 500 million smackers for the jihadists, aka the Palestinian Authority. No money for White House tours or military tuition – but half a billion for the terror statelet and billions and F16s to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Yet the more he prostrates himself before the Palestinian jihadists, the more contempt they have for him. I wonder how much this will cost the American taxpayers, not to mention Israeli blood and land … and 3G technology. No joke: Muslims in Bethlehem were burning pictures of Obama and protesting, among other things, the absence of 3G communications technology.
And the Times of Israel reported that Israeli Knesset member Nachman Shai “called on students to skip U.S. President Barack Obama’s planned speech to the Israeli public, scheduled for Thursday night, citing the White House’s exclusion of Ariel University from a program to allow students to attend the Jerusalem address.”
Ariel University is in the traditional Jewish homeland of Judea and Samaria. Many of those who attend it are “settlers.” In fact, there is no such thing as a “settler.” A “settler” is a Jew living in the Jewish homeland, Judea and Samaria. As Brandon Marlon wrote in the Jewish Press: “For Jewish people, the ancient tribal territories of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and west Menasheh – aka Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank – form the very heartland of the Jewish homeland.”
Shai said: “It is shocking to think that you can disqualify students just because they learn in the West Bank. I do not understand how President Obama wants to conduct a dialogue with the Israeli public when he is consciously excluding part of it.” Indeed.
Israel needs this anti-Semite there like a hole in the head. Obama is banning settlers? File this under Obama attempting to render parts of Jerusalem judenrein.
And now he is even erasing established and undisputed (aside from the jihadists) Israeli territory. The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday: “The map of the Middle East displayed in an Obama administration video released days before President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel shows the Jewish state dispossessed of substantial parts of its current territory, including its capital. The map of Israel, displayed repeatedly during the video, shows the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, northern Israel, and areas surrounding what is currently the West Bank as non-Israeli territory. The Golan Heights is shown as part of Syria; Jerusalem is shown as part of the West Bank; and northern Israel is shown as part of Lebanon.”
See Obama administration video:
[jwplayer UcuqH9nH]
Americans are finally starting to notice Obama’s sustained and relentless opposition to Israel. The Hill reported: “The president’s support for Israel was found wanting by many voters. … Three times as many voters believe that the Obama administration is not supportive enough of Israel [39 percent] as believe it is too supportive [13 percent]. …”
This was the president who said: “Israel doesn’t know what its own best interests are.” The most anti-Israel president in American history knows what’s in Israel’s best interests? Like turning the first Muslim country to make a peace deal with Israel over to the Muslim Brotherhood and giving them billions, along with F-16s and weapons that are likely to be used only against Israel? Like siding with jihadists in Gaza, Libya, et al.? Like standing aside and letting the genocidal Islamic regime in Iran build a nuclear weapon? Like naming an anti-Semite (Chuck Hagel) as secretary of defense? Like naming a pro-jihadist (John Bennan) to head the CIA? Best interests like that?
Israel doesn’t know what’s in her best interests? Survival is in her best interests. But apparently, according to an Islamophile like Obama, annihilation would be in Israel’s best interests. The very existence of Israel is offensive to every devout Muslim – which is why every time a Jew builds a home in the Jewish homeland, heads explode in the White House and the Muslim world.
This was knowable during the presidential election of 2008 and certainly in 2012. I warned of this in my book “The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America.”
Obama isn’t going to say or do anything in Israel that will cause any concern to Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and the rest of his cabal. No doubt they are rubbing their hooves in glee at how he plans to humiliate Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu even more than he has already done.
Obama hates the “settlements.” Obama hates the Jewish homeland. I have two words for Israel: Keep building!
Why are agitating violent Muslims allowed to live in the tiny Jewish state while over a million Jews were ethnically cleansed from Muslim lands? The Muslim world is by and large Jew-free. How can that stand?