Over the last four years, Barack Hussein Obama has increasingly revealed his true self. Claiming at the outset of his 2008 presidential election campaign that he is a Christian, it appears that his genuine allegiance is to Allah, the Muslim “deity.” Obama’s ties to black Muslim leaders and other anti-Semitic racists, such as Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, have also disclosed his hand, not to mention his having endorsed the building of a mosque at Ground Zero and his support of radical Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. This and much more have caused an ever-increasing number of Jews and Christians to see Obama as anti-Semitic and anti-Christian, a reality I also firmly believe to be true.
But Obama’s scorn stretches far wider than just the religion and ethnicity of Jews and Christians. Particularly apparent since his re-election, it has also become crystal clear that Obama simply resents people of the white race, even though he is one half white himself.
During the campaign he constantly berated Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney as the nominee of the rich, vowing to make the rich pay their “fair share” in taxes and other socio-economic forms of “reparations” during his second term. And, in just the last few months since his re-election, Obama and his Democratic enablers and lackeys in Congress have moved arrogantly and aggressively to make good on his promise – and have done so with a vengeance. Obama’s constant derogatory references to the “rich” are mostly just a “politically correct” euphemism for “whitey,” just as attacks by anti-Semites frequently are leveled against Israel to mask their dislike of the true target, Jews themselves. In short, making “whitey” pay his “fair share” has become a constant drumbeat of Obama.
The fact whites have come to believe that Obama truly dislikes them is becoming apparent even in the mainstream media. During a recent broadcast of Fox News’ “The Five,” former President George W. Bush’s press secretary Dana Perino, a Washington establishment figure, clearly stated that she believes that Obama does not like people like her. Bill O’Reilly has expressed similar sentiments of late, referring to Obama’s dislike of “traditional Americans.” This underscores how Obama is increasing stoking and provoking anger among whites with his attacks on them, economically and socially. But this media backlash against Obama’s attacks on whites has not stopped with political commentators on Fox News, but has now extended even to the likes of the well-respected liberal investigative journalist Bob Woodward.
Woodward is, of course, the most famous and respected investigative reporter in American history. As a young reporter for the Washington Post he, and his partner Carl Bernstein, uncovered the infamous Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration – leading to the president’s resignation from office. He then went on to become a leading editor and source of fair and honest reporting in other venues. Indeed, after I triggered the Chinagate scandal at Judicial Watch in the late 1990s involving Bill and Hillary Clinton and their administration, Woodward was among the first to join the hunt and investigate. He published front-page stories about this scandal that rivaled in seriousness “his” Watergate scandal.
At Woodward’s request, yours truly – a staunch conservative and major adversary to the Clintons – even met secretly with him at the time in a dark area of Billy Martin’s Tavern in Georgetown (near Woodward ‘s townhouse), as he wanted to know what “we had” on the Clintons and their illegal dealings with communist China, which had been lining Bonnie and Clyde’s 1996 re-election campaign coffers with bribes. In short, Woodward, while left of political center, is an honest and fair man, a real professional who investigates and reports the news with minimum bias, particularly in today’s world of extreme partisanship in the media.
This explains why Woodward has been among the first of liberal journalists to call it like it is and “out” Obama and his White House for threatening him over his reporting of the sequester – which Woodward revealed was the brainchild of the president. Other white journalists on the left then followed suit and revealed that they, too, had been threatened over even their infrequent criticism of Obama. While one can argue that this backlash against Obama was “on the merits” of the looming sequester disaster, the very fact that the left is now coming forward to challenge Obama shows that there’s much more in play here. Like Dana Perino, I believe that even these liberal reporters have come to see that Obama does not like them and fear his latent racism toward whites, which they likely have come to increasingly resent.
As has been Obama’s mantra, the sequester debate was couched by the president and his minions as an economic disaster that would hurt his lower- and middle-income constituency, many of whom are black or of mixed race, to line the coffers of the rich. Obama continues to insist of more tax hikes on the rich – in effect to again make whitey pay his “fair share” of “reparations” to blacks.
It is very sad and frightening that Obama has provoked this burgeoning race war. The nation, divided unlike any time since the Civil War, is about to explode in anger – primarily pitting black against white and vice versa.