In what has been called the worst child sex abuse scandal in American history, the abortion industry could soon find itself beleaguered by multiple lawsuits from trial lawyers representing hundreds of thousands of victims of statutory rape.
“The abortion lobby is engaged in a pedophile protection racket and protecting pedophiles who rape underage girls,” Mark Crutcher, founder of Life Dynamics, said. “These abortion clinics receive money from the federal government. We are literally paying for the rape of our young daughters.”
Life Dynamics conducted extensive research into why 60-80 percent of teen pregnancies were the result of being impregnated by an adult.
“We realized that something had to have accounted for how this occurred beneath the radar to the point where no one except those who study it would know about it,” he explained. “The only way this could happen is if the institutions and the entities out there who should be reporting this were not doing so. We talked to people we knew in the medical community who worked in environments where they would have access to children or worked in the emergency room hospitals and started asking them about it.”
He said they quickly discovered the problem was not in the hospitals, but in the vast numbers of abortion clinics around the country where employees and managers were ignoring state laws mandating they report instances of possible child abuse to law-enforcement.
“When we began to investigate we found it was even worse than we thought it was. Initially we thought perhaps the abortion clinics were only reporting half of the incidents, but instead we found that they were reporting hardly any of them.”
As part of the investigation, worked on over an extended time period, the organization conducted an undercover operation where they called every Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facility in the country. The caller told abortion workers she was a 13-year-old child who had become pregnant by a 22-year-old man and wanted to have an abortion while concealing the relationship from her parents and authorities.
The investigation revealed that over 90 percent of the clinics ignored mandatory reporting laws and many actually helped the caller avoid various state laws including parental notification in order to prevent them from having to report the incident to law-enforcement authorities.
The documentation of the report as well as the audio recordings are available to the public.
In a call to a Dallas clinic the caller asked if anybody would have to know about her adult boyfriend. The worker advised her to not talk about him, saying, “We don’t even want to know about him, because technically we would have to report him to the cops. Just like I said, that’s statutory rape.”
Incredibly, at one clinic in Fort Worth, the worker helped advise the young girl that she could bring in anybody and tell them at the clinic he was her father to get around the state’s parental notification laws.
“Even if he was older, we have to see their driver’s license and we can’t prove if they’re not your mom or dad. They just have to swear on an affidavit here in our office that says they are your parent,” she said. “I mean, you know, I’m not even supposed to be telling you this, but there’s no way that I can know for a fact that who you bring in here is not your mom or dad.”
The following day the girl called back and talked to the same worker. She said, “I was talking to my boyfriend and I told him what you said about getting someone to come in that was old enough to be my dad.”
The worker responded, “Yes, yes, yes.”
She continued, “Well, he’s got an uncle who is 50 who said he would do it.” Despite the underage girl saying she was going to lie at the clinic, the abortion worker had no problem with that.
“Well as long as he doesn’t tell me he’s not your father, then we’re all right.”
In Colorado, rather than be concerned about a young girl possibly being sexually abused, the abortion worker stopped her when she mentioned her boyfriend was an adult, saying, “Oh, Okay. Let me stop you right there because if you tell me anything else, I have to call the police, because you’re 13 and your partner’s 22.”
“That’s against the law. I have to report it by law. So I don’t want to know your name or anything about you if you don’t want me calling the police. So what you need to do is you need to call completely anonymously and, umm, you know, talk to someone on our appointment line. And you don’t tell us anything about who your partner is, okay?”
When she expressed concern her boyfriend might get in trouble and asked if the worker would turn him in, she was told not to worry.
“No I won’t, but maybe when you go to the doctor you shouldn’t tell him how old your boyfriend is. I think it would be better just, you know, maybe have a girlfriend come with you and tell them your boyfriend is 16 or something because he could get in a lot of trouble.”
Crutcher said this should outrage any parent who has a young daughter.
“You have to remember what’s happening right there,” he said. “You have an adult in a state talking to what they perceived to be a 13-year-old child who was a victim of sexual abuse by an older man and telling that child to lie about his age in order to conceal the crime. If you’re a parent, especially if a father and you’re not outraged then you don’t have a pulse.”
Following the investigation, Life Dynamics realized they had uncovered a scandal that has the potential to dwarf the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.
“Nobody is arguing that there’s anything more than a handful of priests relatively speaking and yet the Catholic Church has already paid in excess of $3 billion,” Crutcher said. “However, what is happening with the abortion providers in this country is the greatest conspiracy in American history. Every abortionist in this country could end up in a state penitentiary if this thing were pursued.”
In addition to calling for authorities to investigate the illegal acts in the tapes, Life Dynamics produced a DVD and contacted over 53,000 trial lawyers across the country educating them about what Crutcher calls a pedophile protection racket by the abortion clinics.
Crutcher noted that under state mandatory reporting laws, when an underage girl seeks any type of service from abortion facilities she is providing evidence she is sexually active. While it is unclear who the activity is with, since she is legally not old enough to provide consent for sexual activity, the evidence meets the threshold for child sexual abuse and mandatory reporting laws apply to the abortion worker.
He goes on to say that it is not the job of workers of the abortion clinic to decide if a crime has been committed or not.
“If a person comes into an emergency room with a gunshot wound and tells the doctor and staff not to call the police because he just shot himself accidentally, no one would think of not reporting it,” he said. “This is no different. It may be no crime has been committed, but that is for law-enforcement to determine, not the abortion workers who are not trained investigators.”
According to Crutcher, many of the attorneys they contacted agreed with him that large numbers of young girls are being harmed and there is a real need to help families with litigation against abortion providers who have essentially covered up child rape by refusing to abide by mandatory reporting laws.
“The phones are ringing off the hook,” Crutcher said.
Paul Samakow, a personal injury attorney in the Washington, D.C., area, who also practices in northern Virginia and Maryland, said when he first heard about the evidence presented by Life Dynamics, he was shocked at the extent of the problem and it left him “breathless.”
“Over the years I have handled a few sexual abuse cases, but never any cases involving minors,” Samakow told WND. “The concept presented to me through this DVD by Life Dynamics leaves you breathless. Of course, we are all aware that sexual abuse occurs in minors and young women, but I had no idea the problem was this prevalent.”
Samakow has been practicing since 1980 and has won victories against groups including the nursing home industry for abusive practices. He is also a featured legal analyst on the Washington Times Radio. He is planning on reaching out with advertisements to the Hispanic community in the area, where he is well known.
While some may think that Samakow’s pursuit of the abortion industry is part of a political agenda to outlaw abortion, he says the abortion debate has nothing to do with this issue at all.
“To me this has nothing to do with the political or religious discussion regarding abortion,” Samakow explained. “The law says they must report and their failure to do so can lead to situations where the underage girl will suffer psychological and emotional damage as well as dependency on others, failed relationships and the likelihood of not completing school or potentially turning to prostitution. There’s a laundry list of bad things that could happen that could be prevented if the incident were properly reported to authorities like the law mandates.”
He continued, “There is a need to help the families. I’m not saying there was abuse in every case. If a teenager was impregnated by another teenager that might not be abuse, but it is statutory rape. This isn’t a mistake here. This isn’t a ‘whoops! I didn’t know I was supposed to report.’ This is a guaranteed connect the dots showing that because they didn’t report, these underage girls are going to have problems in the future.”
Crutcher said he believes the actual number of rapes by older men that are going unreported could be staggering.
“Three things we point out in the DVD are that abortion, dissemination of birth control or treatment for STDs are all indications of sexual activity and when they are indicated, on its face that is evidence of child abuse and must be reported.”
He said, “Of those three activities, the smallest number is going to be abortions while the largest number is birth control. If you just look at abortion, which is the smallest number of the three, there are nearly 3,500 abortions done in America every single day. The abortion industry and government figures show 25 percent to 40 percent of abortions are done on minor girls. This is potentially of thousands of victims every single day just from abortions.
“This is an outrage and what is going on here is absolute and utter scandal. If you simply look at the numbers on these things this is the largest criminal conspiracy in American history.”