The Department of Justice is demanding its employees affirm homosexuality and the broader LGBT agenda.
This week, the DOJ mailed an internal two-page document, titled “LGBT Inclusion at Work: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Manners,” to DOJ managers in advance of “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month,” reported.
Obama designated June as “pride” month in a presidential proclamation May 31, 2011.
The document, which was emailed to DOJ managers, was produced by DOJ Pride, an independent DOJ employee association.
WND can find no similar “sensitivity brochure” distributed by DOJ that emphasizes the First Amendment religious freedom rights of Christians employed by who object to LGBT lifestyles on the grounds of their religious beliefs.
The document poses a possible conflict of interest. The current president of DOJ Pride is an attorney employed in the DOJ office responsible for hiring and firing attorneys and adjudicating cases involving DOJ whistleblowers.
DOJ advances LGBT agenda
The document requires DOJ employees to express active support of alternative LGBT lifestyles in a series of “DO” and “DON’T” statements.
Among the admonitions are the following:
- “DON’T remain silent. Silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”
- DO use a transgender person’s chosen name and the pronoun that is consistent with that person’s self-identified gender.
- DON’T use words and phrases like “gay lifestyle,” “sexual preference” or “tranny” that are considered by many as offensive.
- DO deal with offensive jokes and comments forcefully and swiftly when presented with evidence that they have occurred in the workplace.
- DO speak to employees, including LGBT employees, about their experiences at work, and solicit their ideas for how to make the workplace more inclusive.
- DO consider coming out of the closet if you are LGBT and not out at work. The presence of visible LGBT managers communicates that your office is open and accepting.
Established in 1994, DOJ Pride is an association formally independent of the Department of Justice, with voting membership in DOJ Pride open to any DOJ employee, former employee, individual contractor or employee of a contractor “who is interested in the association’s interests and goals.”
A DOJ Pride brochure specifies, “DOJ Pride works to make the Department [of Justice] a model employer of LGBT individuals.”
The DOJ’s distribution to managers of the DOJ Pride document implies that those who fail to actively support LGBT lifestyles are in violation of DOJ employment policy, perhaps to the point of losing their jobs or promotion opportunities.
The DOJ Pride document makes no mention of God or of the possibility that DOJ managers or employees might have a personal objection to LGBT lifestyles that that is protected by the First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and expression.
In a WND commentary, Matt Barber wrote that the “lawless administration is now ordering federal employees – against their will – to affirm sexual behaviors that in every major religion, thousands of years of history and uncompromising human biology reject.”
Conflict of interest?
Computer experts have examined the metadata in the computer file for the DOJ Pride document and discovered the author was Marc Salans, the president of DOJ Pride.
Salans also serves as the assistant director in the DOJ Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management, or OARM, which is responsible for hiring all lawyers at Justice.
The DOJ website also identifies OARM as “the Department’s adjudicative office in FBI Whistleblower cases.”
This suggests Salans also is authorized to oversee the qualifications of lawyers hired by DOJ and adjudicate the cases of any whistleblower attempting to make public disclosure of alleged DOJ improprieties.
DOJ encourages LGBT hiring
On the DOJ website, a statement regarding “diversity policy” puts “gender identity” on a par with other discrimination criteria that have been identified by the Supreme Court as being applicable under the 14th Amendment.
The relevant paragraph of the DOJ diversity management policy statement reads:
We value diversity in our workforce and embrace the cultural and demographic dimensions of our country. We work diligently to attract and retain a workforce that represents the range of personal and professional backgrounds, and experiences and perspectives that arise from differences of culture and circumstances. This includes persons of varying age, ethnicity, gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, political affiliation, socioeconomic and family status, and geographic region.
DOJ further interprets Executive Order 11478 as requiring an affirmative action policy that applies to the LGBT community.
DOJ has also established Special Emphasis Programs that includes an aim to hire and support “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender applicants and employees in various categories and occupations and in all organizational components through the department.” The Special Emphasis Program clearly states: “DOJ enhances diversity to Include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals.”
The DOJ website also includes a page in the “photo gallery” to report on the LGBT Pride Month Program conducted by DOJ on June 6, 2012. The website also features the text of a speech Attorney General Eric Holder gave at the event.