Criminal journalism

By Pamela Geller

The war against freedom is being waged in every corner of our nation – in every newsroom and in every mainstream media outlet. One particularly vicious battle in this war has been the coverage of our free speech demonstration in Manchester, Tenn., on June 4, which has been nothing short of criminal and libelous.

Every headline on every mainstream media story that covered the event libeled the patriots who stood for freedom of speech, claiming that we were there to protest a “Muslim outreach” event. In reality, at no time and nowhere have we ever protested a Muslim outreach event, and they go on every day in every government agency. Muslim outreach has become the raison d’être for many a government agency under the Obama regime.

We don’t protest them even though we know about them, and we know what failures they are. That was made painfully clear in a recent explosive exchange between Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and FBI head Robert Mueller. Gohmert asked Mueller if the FBI had monitored the terror mosque in Boston that had been attended by Boston Marathon jihad bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Gohmert wanted to know if the terror mosque where the jihad bombers received spiritual guidance had been monitored after warnings that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a dangerous jihadist came from not one but two foreign governments. Mueller’s answer was no, the mosque hadn’t been monitored, but FBI agents had engaged in outreach there – which to me was the money quote of the entire session, proving yet again that Muslim outreach is a deceptive distraction to advance taqiyya and disarm law enforcement and the body politic. Outreach equals submission.

American law enforcement is making nice with these Islamic supremacist organizations, appeasing them and accommodating them while ignoring the fact that they are the hatcheries for jihadists in America. So no, in Manchester, Tenn., on June 4 we weren’t protesting a Muslim outreach event. We were protesting the Justice Department’s and FBI’s determination to criminalize free speech, including postings that are offensive to Islam on social media – the most effective (and only) means for us to get our message out. Yet not only was this fact not the headline of any story about our free speech rally – it wasn’t even mentioned in any of the stories. They didn’t bury the lede, they refused to recover the body. Instead, every one portrayed the patriots who showed up to defend free speech as thugs bent on disrupting a Muslim outreach event. That is the massive media machine of smear, destruction and libel in action.

One particularly galling example was when PBS, the venerable brothel of Islamic propaganda, framed our free speech protest as another manifestation of “tensions between Muslims and many Christians in Tennessee.” The report quoted Ibrahim Hooper of the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR – without noting his Hamas ties, of course – and claimed that the Department of Justice event was an attempt to stop discrimination against Muslims, without ever mentioning how “hate speech” charges have been used to silence legitimate investigations of how jihadists use Islamic teachings to justify violence. NRP did not have one voice of freedom in defense of our demo. AFDI called the rally they were talking about, yet there wasn’t anyone from AFDI on the show. Of course not. Criminal “journalism.”

And if you think this is purely an American phenomenon, you’re wrong. Last week also, the BBC held what was essential a Stalinist show trial of Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League, or EDL. Outnumbered but not outgunned, Robinson was the only voice of reason in a kafka-esque BBC condescension circus of dhimmitude. Robert Spencer said of the BBC’s treatment of Robinson: “The audience is completely stacked against him, he is berated, vilified, smeared and accused – and no one ever bothers to answer his repeated question, ‘What exactly have I said here that is racist?'” Meanwhile, the BBC shows respect and deference to Islamic supremacists and jihadists – one of whom, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested for jihad terror activity literally right after he finished his interview with the BBC.

The mainstream media blacklist me and Spencer and Ibn Warraq and Wafa Sultan, while welcoming Hamas groups and terror-tied groups such as the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America and CAIR. And when they are forced to cover our work, they don’t cover it as much as they destroy it and lie about it. Now this may not matter to a majority of Americans, who are on the edge of their seats wondering if Kim Kardashian is having a boy or a girl (spoiler alert: it’s a girl), but when Kim’s baby, 10 or 15 years down the line, is the victim of a love jihad or a jihad attack or a forced conversion at the university of Islamic supremacism, maybe then they’ll pay attention.

It’s out of control. One can only liken it to the driverless stagecoach traveling at warp speed toward the edge of the cliff, while the passengers are drinking tea in the back, oblivious to everything. That is America.

Those people who stood with us in Tennessee should be hailed, should be exalted. There should be a parade down Fifth Avenue for them. Instead, they suffer the most vicious slings and arrows.


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