Tel Aviv gears up for annual ‘gay’-pride festival

By Around the Web

(Times of Israel) The city of Tel Aviv is set to host its 15th annual Gay Pride Parade Friday, with over a hundred thousand spectators and participants expected to attend the celebrations, including droves of tourists in town for the special event.

The Pride festival will begin at 10 a.m. at Gan Meir park, home to the city’s gay community center, and will feature performances, speeches and music. The parade will begin at 1 a.m., making it’s way from the park through central Tel Aviv and culminating at the iconic Gordon Beach.

Thousands of tourists have flocked to Tel Aviv over the past week, which has featured large-scale parties and events all leading up to Friday’s main event. Among the notable foreign visitors, the first gay couple to have gotten married in France is in town to join in the festivities.

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