Did President Obama really say, “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago”?
Isn’t it his job to damp down the hostility from the Martin trial? Isn’t a president supposed to heal the country rather than tear it apart?
Also, is Obama so racist that he only sees the skin color of Martin rather than his personality and character? He compares himself to Martin on the basis of color. In that case, he is similar to millions of other blacks around the world. They are all the same. They are defined by their blackness by Obama. Obama only sees color. He is the supreme bigot.
Obama says, “There are very few African-American men who haven’t had the experience of being followed in a department store – that includes me.” Big deal! I’ve been followed in department stores, and I’m white. I was stopped in the gift shop at Mt. Rushmore for stealing souvenirs. I did. Other times I wasn’t stealing. What’s the difference?
Cops have pulled me in for causing a disturbance in a rich Great Neck park when I was a teenager. I didn’t cause the disturbance. Big deal. I was 17 and looked like a white hoodlum. Martin looked like a black hoodlum. I didn’t jump on the cop and beat his head in. I apologized for whatever he thought I did. I wasn’t looking for a fight. I was looking to avoid being arrested. He took me home, dumped me on my stoop and woke my father at 2 o’clock in the morning.
Obama noted, “If a white male teen was involved in the same scenario, top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.” Hypothetical. Prejudicial. Simple-minded.
You might even say platitudinous or clichéd.
Obama said African-Americans view the case through “a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.” Well, it’s time they grew up and quit feeling sorry for themselves. I have tons of black friends, and none of them bear a grudge like Obama on their shoulders. They have been given the best free educations and the opportunities to succeed. They now have writers, artists, athletes and presidents to identify with.
Obama also said that before he was elected to office, he had witnessed drivers locking their doors and women clutching their purses when he walked by. I doubt it. Obama wasn’t a rough-looking character. I would have never been afraid of him. It’s the narcissist building up his myth again.
Obama said, “Americans are aware of the ‘history of racial disparity in our criminal laws.'” They were but the disparity doesn’t really exist anymore. When I was in jail, some of the blacks complained that the guards were prejudiced against them. What garbage! It was a federal joint, and the guards hardly recognized any of our existences. What did the blacks want? To be coddled? It’s time Obama woke up from his long sleep of prejudice and his paranoia about bigotry. After all, he is the president of the United States. Doesn’t a black president say something about the disappearance of prejudice?
Obama warned, “It doesn’t mean we’re in a post-racial society or that racism has been eliminated.” It might be if we had a post-racial president rather than a prejudiced leader who is looking to place blame on whites whenever it’s useful to garnering votes from the simplistic white liberals and the blacks.
You know, maybe Trayvon Martin could have been me 50 years ago. I think I have more in common with him than Obama does, regardless of our color. I used to be a rapper. I wore hoodies when Obama was wearing suits and glad-handing the public. I had street fights and banged people’s head against the concrete.
It looks like Obama wants to take credit for Trayvon’s life when he didn’t live it. You’d think he’d be happy being a president rather than a thug.
David Lawrence