Did she really say she’s a ‘social engineer’?

By Robert Ringer

I’d like to believe that every thinking person to the right of Hillary Clinton realizes that progressives are in a permanent social-engineering mode, but even the most galling progressives are not dumb enough to actually talk about it openly. It’s one of those stealth things – you know, like slipping an ineligible presidential candidate into the White House by making his past vanish into thin air.

So it created quite a stir when an obscure civil rights attorney by the name of Jasmine Rand said to Fox’s Greta Van Susteren, “I have a greater duty beyond being an attorney, and that’s to be a social engineer.” With that statement, she made history by becoming the first far-left bobblehead to let the social-engineering cat out of the bag. That’s right, she actually said the words: social engineering! Many on the left must have been thinking, “Who in the hell allowed this twit to go on a national television show? She’s a bigger disaster than Susan Rice!”

From Engels to Lenin, from Mao to Obama, Marxists have believed that social engineering is an essential element in bringing about a more just society. Why? Because justice is in the eyes of the beholder, so it becomes necessary to “socially engineer” those who resist their ideas about justice. And if they cannot be persuaded to bring their views into line with the thugs who are in power, it becomes necessary to use brute force to help them see the light.

Social engineering is nothing more than psychological manipulation. At its extreme is the Manchurian Candidate syndrome, whereby a person can be brainwashed into committing murder even though it is against his moral code. But no matter what the extent of the social engineering, it always involves convincing people – psychologically or through the use of force – to override their natural instincts and obey a “higher” authority.

B.F. Skinner, collectivist psychologist and social theorist, spent his life searching for a scientific way to repress the human instinct to better one’s existence. Skinner, by focusing on the modification of human behavior, was inadvertently acknowledging that self-interest is a natural and normal human characteristic that can only be overridden through brute force.

This is what Mao’s rehabilitation camps were all about, and it’s what the triumph of American progressivism is all about. We don’t have literal rehabilitation camps (yet) for those who refuse to conform, but social engineering is practiced on a nationwide playing field, and woe unto him who dares to defy it. Shame, guilt and the desire to conform to the politically correct thoughts of the day are the easiest ways to get along in a land saturated with bullies.

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We have been socially engineered into admiring LeBron James more than Thomas Sowell; tattooed-covered bodies more than those left the way God meant them to be; blue jeans worn below the butt more than a suit and tie. This kind of social engineering has happened gradually, over such a long period of time, that today’s younger generation thinks of it as normal.

I’ve been reluctant to say much about the Trayvon Martin case, for a number of reasons, the most important of which is that, being a father, I believe that the media circus has already caused Trayvon Martin’s parents far too much unnecessary pain. They may believe that their son was unjustifiably killed – which, if I were in their shoes, I would probably believe as well – but the merchants of racial division, led by the Divider-in-Chief himself, have turned a local death in a small town in Florida into a trumped-up national race story. And race is the one thing that has been overwhelmingly shown not to be involved in this case.

It also offends me that those hateful souls who profit most from these artificially created stories seem to care nothing about the thousands of blacks who are killed each year by other blacks. Every life that is snuffed out is just as important as was Trayvon Martin’s, but most murders simply don’t have the political appeal to interest, say, BHO.

That said, the reason I decided to bring up the Trayvon Martin case is because it’s all about social engineering. The idea is that if you don’t get the result you want in court, you simply ignore the law against double jeopardy and find another law (that violates Natural Law), which you then use to convict the person who was acquitted. This is social engineering right out in the open for everyone to see.

And if a conviction is obtained on the grounds of “racial profiling” (don’t even get me started on that aspect of the social-engineering scam), that creates enough fear in the hearts of those who still cling to the Constitution and Natural Law to make them think to themselves, “Hmm … maybe rehabilitation is better than the alternative.” And thus social engineering does its rehabilitation wonders once again through simple “persuasion.”

Social engineering, by its very nature, calls for a double standard. Under social engineering, blacks with night sticks at voting stations are given a pass. Union thugs beating up a black tea party member is given a pass. Killing more than a million unborn (and some born) babies a year is given a pass. Make no mistake about it, social engineering is not about equal justice. It’s about unequal justice. It’s about the power thugs having it all their way.

The social engineers may or may not have their way in the Trayvon Martin case. But they definitely intend to have their way when it comes to convincing you that your own needs and desires should be subordinated to those whom they believe to be more needy or worthy than you – and shaming you into repressing your natural instincts to better your existence and look to politicians and government bureaucrats to make decisions for you.

But so long as you have a brain, that’s something you will always have the power to prevent. Social engineering can never triumph over courage.

Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer is a New York Times No. 1 best-selling author and host of the highly acclaimed "Liberty Education Interview Series," which features interviews with top political, economic and social leaders. His latest book is "The Entrepreneur." To sign up for a free subscription to his pro-liberty, pro-free-market e-letter, A Voice of Sanity, CLICK HERE. Read more of Robert Ringer's articles here.

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