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You’ve got your retirement pension, Social Security and a little savings, but then something happens that hits your bank accounts hard.
How do you avoid taking on, during your retirement, the next lousy job that comes along?
Economist, columnist, radio host and international speaker Jerry Robinson uses his “Follow the Money Weekly” program to explain.
“By creating multiple streams of income, you do not lie awake at night worrying whether or not you will get laid off or whether or not Social Security will continue sending your checks every month.
“This concept is taught in the Bible when the book of Genesis says: ‘Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. ‘ (Genesis 13:2),” Robinson writes.
“Abraham also had herdsmen and servants, which meant he was an employer … he was a business owner. We would do well to pattern our lives after this example in order to truly obtain financial freedom,” Robinson explains.
On his podcast, he discusses 22 streams of income explained in “Bankrupty of Our Nation.”
Also on the podcast, Robinson forecasts that talks about a European Union-United States economic partnership will continue and be sold as a “stimulus plan” even despite the hard feelings over the Obama administration’s spy tactics.
Tom Cloud delivers the precious metals market update and Certified Financial Planner Jay Peroni talks about this week’s investing recommendation.
Then John Bearss comes to the microphone for the retirement minute commentary.
Podcast is 51:24.
Previous podcasts:
What do Cabela’s, Six Flags have in common?
Coming soon! ‘Transatlantic Union’
Economy settling down? Think again
Is this the calm before the storm?
The decline of the global stock market
Signs in the sun, moon and stars
‘This isn’t your grandfather’s economy’
Gold dropping? Why not to worry
What’s to love about gold, silver prices
Let the printing presses roll!
New challenge rattles economy’s foundation
Big Brother looking at your bank account
Currency war pushes stocks to new realms
Entitlement liabilities? Try $120 trillion
Paycheck to paycheck, and what to do about it
Boosting your savings – now!
Germans want gold reserves returned
‘The unbelievably bogus debt ceiling debate’
Is America on the eve of a civil war?
Again? Feds printing and spending more
Why you should care about petrodollar system
The real story about the fiscal cliff
Last hurrah from a state statesman
Housing starts up, prices grow, and that’s bad?
Stock-market rally ‘flashing warning signs’
Staying afloat through global monetary flood
How to cope when the government prints money
Learn more about Jerry Robinson’s “Follow the Money Quarterly” newsletter.
“Bankruptcy of Our Nation: 12 Key Strategies For Protecting Your Finances In These Uncertain Times.”
Jerry Robinson is an economist, published author, columnist, radio talk show host, and international conference speaker. Robinson has been quoted as an economic authority by USA Today, FoxNews and many other news agencies. His columns have appeared regularly in numerous print and web publications, including WND. In addition, Robinson is also the editor-in-chief of the popular economic newsletter, “Follow the Money Quarterly.”