Leave the Republican Party?

By Joseph Farah

Sarah Palin, just five years ago the vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party, says she would consider leaving the Republican Party if there were a viable alternative.

She’s hardly alone.

There’s little enthusiasm for what the Republican Party has become – a mere shadow of the principled party of Ronald Reagan, a party that stood up for the unborn, a party that understood why marriage, not government, is the building block of civilization, a party that seemingly learned its lesson from the last amnesty con job, a party that believed in deficit reduction, constitutionally limited government, states’ rights, privacy rights, the rights of the individual, self-government.

The only possible motivation for voting Republican in the last two presidential elections has been self-defense for those of us who just hoped a better choice was around the corner in four years.

Ronald Reagan famously said he didn’t leave the Democratic Party, it left him. That’s what many of us can now say about the John Boehners and Karl Roves of the reigning Republican establishment.

With a mid-term election coming up next year, is there any excitement among grass-roots Republicans – even as we enter the fifth year of negligible economic growth and social revolution led by the executive branch?

None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Why is that?

Because Republicans don’t offer an alternative to Obamaism.

Spending a little less is not a vision.

Growing the central government a little more slowly is not a vision.

Paying lip service to marriage and the sanctity of life is not a vision.

Raising the debt limit every time Obama asks is not a vision.

Providing tens of millions of new voters to ensure a permanent government of Democrats is not a vision.

Allowing the will of the people and the rule of law to be abrogated at the will of the president is not a vision.

Appointing Supreme Court justices who don’t have any moral or legal bearings is not a vision.

Not holding the executive branch accountable for scandals that would dethrone any Republican is not a vision.

Allowing the most important grass-roots political uprising in recent American history to fall victim to an orchestrated attack by the Internal Revenue Service is not a vision.

So what to do in 2014 and beyond?

Is there any hope?

The Republican Party is literally on the verge of extinction – but not because the principles of its party platform have lost enthusiasm from the public. It’s because the public can see through the transparent gutlessness and cluelessness of the ruling elite of the party, who are hopelessly out of touch with their own constituency.

Americans who don’t buy into Obama’s nightmarish vision of an America transformed in his own neo-Marxist image aren’t looking for a Democrat-lite party. They are looking for a party that will stand up for the Constitution, stand up for an America that defends and protects liberty, stand up for the rule of law and support the will of the people and stand up to oppose judicial and presidential tyranny and the anti-American concept of unlimited government.

Leave the Republican Party?

It left many of us a long time ago.

It has no use for us.

It has no use for the Founding Fathers.

It has no use for the American heritage of freedom.

It’s simply a club of personal empowerment that trades on opposition to the hideous vision of the Democrats.

But that won’t result in election victories in the future.

The historic 2010 midterm is a distant memory – a stunning victory handed to the Republicans by the tea-party movement, only to be betrayed immediately by the Republican establishment that held its benefactors in contempt.

Leave the Republican Party?

How can you leave a political organization that, at the end of the day, believes in nothing?


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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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