Let the Arabs have it

By WND Staff

Regarding Joseph’s question about the Temple Mount [“Would Israel be crazy to concede Temple Mount?”] – let the Arabs have it. Why? Because it isn’t the Temple Mount. What it is is the the Roman fortress Antonia. How delicious! The Arabs built their pagan temple (Dome of the Rock) on ruins of a pagan Roman garrison.

Many Christians like me have know this for decades. The source is Josephus’ book No. 1 titled “The Wars of the Jews.” In it he gives his eyewitness account of the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. See for yourself that Jesus’ prophecy came true exactly as He said it would.

The Jews have only recently discovered the truth after worshiping God in front of a pagan fort for several millennial. The can build their new temple and start the oblation whenever they want.

Rob Pearson

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