Rachel Maddow, 21st century blacklister

By Joseph Farah

Try as I might never to watch Rachel Maddow or MSNBC, several times a year I’m almost forced to do so when friends email me links to online excerpts of shows – usually when I’m the topic.

Such was the case last week when Maddow did her best to persuade all reasonable people (not that any reasonable people watch MSNBC) that I should never be permitted to speak publicly at events such as FreedomFest, an annual gathering of liberty-minded Americans in Las Vegas.

Maddow was incensed that organizers would invite the likes of me and Wayne Allyn Root to be heard by thousands of people who agree with some of our ideas.

You can watch and listen to her attempt at modern-day blacklisting for yourself:

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Wayne Allyn Root is a friend of mine – famous for having attended Columbia University during the time Barack Obama was supposed to be there and never seeing him and never finding a single classmate who ever saw him, either.

So naturally, he has no business speaking at FreedomFest, an event he addresses every year. And obviously I have no business speaking to the conference, either, because I published a book about Obama’s provably illegitimate and fraudulent birth certificate – even wrote the foreword to “Where’s the Birth Certificate” by Jerome Corsi.

We’re “birthers,” a term of derision for which Maddow is proud of spreading like a virus of disinformation.

But it’s not all bad.

If you can stand to view the entire nine-minute, over-the-top, ad hominem hatchet job, you will find out Maddow has a crush on me, despite her own predilection for members of the same sex.

She calls me “the guy who’s so handsome he makes you remember there is an O in mustachioed.” I don’t get that. But maybe this explains Maddow’s abject fear of actual debate with me, a subject of so many of her televised tirades, even if MSNBC ratings make it more like closed-circuit TV. She might just blush like a heterosexual schoolgirl.

I’d also like you to notice Maddow’s absolute obsession with Obama’s eligibility. She’s hardly alone. Though you haven’t heard me talk about this issue much lately, people like Maddow cannot let it go. They believe they can use it as a wedge issue to divide and conquer their political adversaries. Notice how much she feigns caring whether Las Vegas Republicans are competitive and reaching more mainstream voters. Is that credible with anyone? Do you really believe this Republican-bashing, conservative-smearing, libertarian-lashing TV soliloquist cares deeply about the best interests of the Grand Old Party?

That’s a dead giveaway. Even the low-information viewers of MSNBC ought to be able to see through that charade.

This has been going on for years. Maddow and her entire network are like a one-trick pony. How many times can you do the same show about the same people without even having the courage to debate them in person?

That’s right, she’s got a big mouth and she’s a fast talker, but she’s got very little courage. I’ve been asked many times to be on MSNBC, and some of their shows have actually followed through with the invitation and appearance. Usually they’re sorry they did. Even though their hosts are uniformly rude and obnoxious, I think I’ve been able to out-duel them because they are so ill-equipped with the facts.

Now I’m not pretending to care about MSNBC’s low ratings, but I wonder if more Americans would tune in if the ultra-left hosts had the cojones to confront those they accuse on a daily basis. Just a thought.

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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