By Judson Phillips
On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, saw Trayvon Martin. Minutes later Martin was dead and Zimmerman would see his life transformed by opportunistic politicians and the racial grievance industry, both of which found him to be an irresistible target.
Every story needs a villain and a saint.
The left is spinning this as a narrative of American racism. Vital to that narrative is the image of Martin as an innocent boy, almost a child. The media did its part by never showing photos of the 6’2”, 17-year old with gold capped teeth that he was when he died, but only as a slim, 12-year old.
The real Trayvon Martin is lost in the hagiography. He was no longer an innocent child. He chose his path, and had that fatal encounter not taken place, it was leading him into the criminal justice system.