Finally, there is good news in the Middle East. The Egyptian military, having removed the Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi after he and his terrorist group hijacked the democratic process, is now in the act of systematically destroying this Islamic cancer on the Arab state’s secular body politic. But the good news for Egypt and by extension Israel, its Jewish neighbor, is bad news for Barack Hussein Obama, our so-called “Muslim president.”
In a statement issued yesterday from the stronghold of the left, Martha’s Vineyard, where the “mullah in chief” is vacationing on our dime, Obama bellowed, “The United States strongly condemns the steps taken by the Egyptian interim government and security forces.” In so doing, Obama also canceled yearly and crucial national security joint defense exercises with the Egyptian military. This is an outrage; for once strong action is taken to snuff out the Muslim Brotherhood, the granddaddy of all Islamic terrorist groups and the parent that houses al-Qaida, and our president condemns it, leaving no doubt where his loyalties lie – not that we needed any further proof after five years of his bowing down to Saudi kings, endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque, disrespecting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, doing all he can to harm Israel and a host of other anti-Semitic and anti-Christian actions by him and his administration. But this condemnation is the pinnacle of his pro-Muslim efforts to aid the Islamic revolution at the expense of Jews and Christians and our national security interests in the Middle East and worldwide.
Obama’s decidedly pro-Islamic policies are regrettably not limited to the fate of Egypt or Israel, for that matter. They have also crept into the way our nation has been and is fighting wars in the Middle East, most notably in Afghanistan. There, the overriding modus operandi of our military operations is not to win the war by killing as many Muslim jihadists as is necessary to clean out this Islamic terrorist rat hole run by the Taliban, but to “win the hearts and minds” of the enemy. Indeed, the military’s rules of engagement for our servicemen so state, with even the inexplicably revered Gen. David Petraeus having written this to all the Armed Forces.
These rules of engagement, which are consistent with Obama’s policies toward the Muslim world, are why our fighting men and women are dying and being maimed at alarmingly increasing per capita rates in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
By way of stark example, these rules of engagement, and the paranoiac deference paid to Muslims in battle, contributed greatly to the death of 30 U.S. servicemen, including 22 Navy SEALs and other special ops forces in the shoot down by the Taliban of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan shortly after Osama bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team VI. Prevented from engaging in pre-assault fire in particular, the 22 special ops who died on Aug. 6, 2011, were sitting ducks for the Taliban, who wanted badly to have a SEAL Team VI Judeo-Christian trophy in retaliation for the killing of their leader, Osama bin Laden. And, sure enough, they got it – likely handed to them on a silver platter by our own “leader,” whose administration not only revealed that SEAL Team VI had been the special ops who took out bin Laden to boost Obama’s re-election prospects in the fall of 2012, but also failed to take preventive steps to safeguard these heroes from terrorist retaliation after this target was placed on their backs. This matter is currently under a congressional inquiry by the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, as well as my efforts on behalf of SEALs and other special ops surviving family members to obtain all of the facts leading up to and which caused this tragedy. See
But the sad moral to this and other stories of their kind is that Obama and his pro-Muslim administration’s coddling of Islamic interests is not only an affront to the Egyptian people and Israel, whose security forces have been working hand in hand with the Egyptian military after the ouster of Morsi, but to our own fighting men and women.
The hard reality is that our nation, not just Egypt pre-Morsi, has been hijacked by Islam and our president is the leader of this Muslim revolution. It is no wonder Muslims have just in the last few days felt emboldened to declare that they will wage a “Million Man Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., this Sept. 11. They have been given a virtual green light to do so by the mullah in chief. And, even if he does not show his devilish face at this highly provocative demonstration of the growing Islamic influence in the United States and abroad, Obama will be there with his fellow Muslims in spirit.
Perhaps Obama fears what the Egyptian military has done to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood because he knows that the American people and its military, who have been sacrificed to “win the hearts and minds” of the enemy, may one day rise up and oust him and his comrades. One can only pray – not to Allah, but to our Lord and Savior – that justice will be done and that We the People will soon be liberated from this modern-day pharaoh. While Obama’s political opposition is no Moses, we hold our own future in our hands and must act soon before all is lost.