Black mob-in-training bullies white girl, 3

By Colin Flaherty

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(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

This is the worst video of black mob violence you will see today. Maybe ever: Four black children beat and taunt a three-year old white girl. Then the cameraman posted it on Facebook over the weekend with the heading, “When white people piss black people off.”

The video begins in the middle of a street in Minneapolis. Two black girls, twice as old and twice as big as the white girl, are screaming at the girl on a Hot Wheels tricycle.

“Stop spying on us,” shouts one. “You ugly.”

Then the violence begins: The two girls each grab one of the white girl’s wrists and force her to strike herself in the face. Several times. The white girl starts crying like only three-year old girls can.

“Why you hitting yourself?” asks the 12-year old cameraman. The girls doing the beating think that is funny. They continue striking her as he moves the camera away. “Shut up, man,” he scolds the white girl.

When the camera returns a few seconds later, the little girl is still crying, still surrounded by her two assailants. Enter a black boy about ten years old. “Watch me beat up this little kid,” he says.

But before that happens, the black children run away, leaving the little girl crying in the middle of the street, still seated in her Hot Wheels tricycle.

The cameraman — identified as 12-year old Ray Wright — remained, taking more video.

The kids wander around ten yards away, ignoring the little girl, still in the street. The black boy who just threatened to beat her up enters the camera again, this time begging, “Can I see the video?”

After a cut in the action, the video picks up with the little white girl now standing on the lawn. The two black girls approach, with one instructing the other: “Hit her hard. Hit her in the head like this.”

And she does.

They then take something from the little white girl — maybe a balloon — and at the urging of the cameraman to “throw it on the ground,” they do just that.

Get the book that documents what the media won’t tell you: hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims.

That was a source of amusement to the two girls and the cameraman. When the little girl sat on the ground to retrieve the object, the two black girls started hitting her again. This time piling on. More crying.

The scene ends with the cameraman directing the action: “stop y’all.” Soon it was on Facebook, with the heading “When white people piss black people off.”

Then it started getting crazy.

It did not take long for the video to spread, generating some unwanted attention on the cameraman. He directed his ire at a Facebook friend he accused of “snitching.”

“I (am going) to jail,” he wrote on his now deleted Facebook account, captured at “Somebody snitched. I’m (going) to kill them.”

Then he goes back and forth with someone he thinks is a snitch, and they threaten to send “hitters” to kill each other.

The video raises more questions than answers. No one knows who the little girl is. Or how her parents could leave her in such a dangerous and unsupervised situation. Or the identity of the parents of all the children.

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Thousands of people at and want to know how this could happen.

The intrepid investigators at found the mother of the cameraman, Ranika Wills, on the phone. She did not have many answers other than to say kids always fight. And she wondered why the reporter did not call George Zimmerman and ask him those questions.

Zimmerman, of course, is the man who was recently acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The mother claims the video was posted under a fake name. But she never denied it was her son. She also denied her son was holding a loaded gun in a picture on his Facebook page.

After telling the mother of the building outrage on the internet from people who saw the video, the mother said not to worry: “It’s not like they f***** that little girl up,” she said. “She’s fine.”

“It’s a joke, he’s just a kid,” said the mother.

“What I seen was two little girls hitting her,” said Ranika. “That’s just what little girls do.”

“I dealt with the kids,” she said. “But kids fight. Know that.”

The mother reserved her ire not for the assailants, but for the child her son threatened to kill on Facebook: “She is the one who put my phone number on Facebook. She is the one causing this problem.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Race Riots to America”

See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:

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See the Big List of black mob violence.

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